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Organization Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative
The Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative (ARRI) is a coalition of groups, including citizens, the coal industry, and government dedicated to restoring forests on coal mined lands in the Eastern United States. ARRI was established in early 2004 with the formation of the Core Team. The Core Team's responsibilities include outreach, trainings, event planning, monthly meetings to discuss progress reports and new strategies, among other things.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search / Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative
Organization Baldwin Conservation Lab at Clemson University
The Baldwin lab at Clemson University is committed to examining pressing ecological concerns throughout the Appalachians from the Gaspe' Penninsula to central Alabama. Clemson is conveniently located within a short drive to some of the most interesting aquatic landscapes in the country and furthermore, one of the worlds largest biodiversity hotspots for forest communities, salamanders, and freshwater mussels. This biodiversity, along with rich cultural and historical significance, makes this area prime for landscape-scale conservation planning.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search / Baldwin Conservation Lab at Clemson University
Organization Central Appalachian Spruce Restoration Initiative
The Central Appalachian Spruce Restoration Initiative (CASRI) is a partnership of diverse interests with a common goal of restoring historic red spruce-northern hardwood ecosystems across the high elevation landscapes of Central Appalachia. It is comprised of private, state, federal, and non-governmental organizations which recognize the importance of this ecosystem for its ecological, aesthetic, recreational, economic, and cultural values.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search / Central Appalachian Spruce Restoration Initiative
Tile Page Central Appalachian Spruce Restoration Initiative (CASRI)
A partnership of diverse interests with a common goal of restoring historic red spruce-northern hardwood ecosystems across the high elevation landscapes of Central Appalachia. It is comprised of private, state, federal, and non-governmental organizations which recognize the importance of this ecosystem for its ecological, aesthetic, recreational, economic, and cultural values.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization C header Conservation Management Institute of Virginia Tech
The Conservation Management Institute is an active partner in the management of natural resources in Virginia, across North America, and around the world. Institute project teams comprised of research faculty, staff, and students engage resource management agencies and organizations to understand their objectives and constraints in order to produce quality solutions through hard work and the application of sound science. Our researchers employ a range of skills, knowledge, and talents with particular strengths in field ecology, geospatial information technology, resource assessment, and logistical support.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization text/texmacs Cooperative Research Units
The Cooperative Research Unit program was established in 1935 to enhance graduate education in fisheries and wildlife sciences and to facilitate research between natural resource agencies and universities on topics of mutual concern. Today, there are 40 Cooperative Research Units in 38 states. Each unit is a partnership among the U.S. Geological Survey, a State natural resource agency, a host university, and the Wildlife Management Institute. Staffed by Federal personnel, Cooperative Research Units conduct research on renewable natural resource questions, participate in the education of graduate students, provide technical assistance and consultation on natural resource issues, and provide continuing education for natural resource professionals.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Troff document New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
The New York Cooperative Research Unit pays particular attention to the resource problems and issues of the Northeastern States with New York as its focal point. Based at Cornell University in the Department of Natural Resources, we work cooperatively within a department structure, but with the option to transcend organizational lines when the need arises. Our efforts are directed not only at maintaining productive programs in our own areas of interest, but also in seeking funds for and coordinating the planning of other research and management faculty/staff at the University and within the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Northeast Regional Office. In accomplishing this we are aided by a select, high quality group of graduate students and research affiliates who understand science, people, and the need to grow and produce in their specialty.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search / Cooperative Research Units
Organization NatureServe
NatureServe is a non-profit conservation organization whose mission is to provide the scientific basis for effective conservation action. NatureServe and its network of natural heritage programs are the leading source for information about rare and endangered species and threatened ecosystems. NatureServe represents an international network of biological inventories-known as natural heritage programs or conservation data centers-operating in all 50 U.S. states, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization North Carolina State University
The College of Natural Resources (CNR) is a world leader in the use and conservation of renewable resources and recognized by many as a leading educator and researcher in forestry, environmental sciences, wood, paper, pulp, parks, recreation, and tourism. CNR believes that nurturing the environment and engineering sustainable products go hand-in-hand with helping communities and enterprises thrive. The College of Sciences is home to the physical and chemical sciences, the mathematical and statistical sciences, the biological sciences and the earth-system sciences. With departments and faculty members ranked among the nation’s best in their fields, the college's focus on multidisciplinary collaboration builds a foundation of experience that prepares students for the real world.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Northeast Climate Science Center
The Northeast Climate Science Center (NECSC) is part of a federal network of eight Climate Science Centers created to provide scientific information, tools, and techniques that managers and other parties interested in land, water, wildlife and cultural resources can use to anticipate, monitor, and adapt to climate change. The NECSC, with its core of seven institutions, assembles unparalleled expertise, resources and established professional collaborations in climate science and natural and cultural resources management that span the Northeast.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search / Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center