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You are here: Home / Landowner Information / Landowner Feedback

Landowner Feedback

Depending on your needs and interests, there are several ways to contact us via this portal.

Landowner Feedback button

1) If you are interested in contacting a biologist or forester to ask questions or request a site visit, use the Target Species tabs to select the species/habitats you are most interested in.  Then within the Target Species tab look to the far right for Meet our Staff, which contains the names, expertise and contact information for partner staff available to assist private landowners.
2) If you are a private landowner or just a citizen interested in asking a question or giving us feedback in writing via this portal, go the Working Lands Partnership homepage and select the tab Landowner Feedback.
Finally, 3) If you have materials or great pics to share, or want to know more about the portal please contact