County Occurrence Map for Southeastern Myotis
Distribution map of counties with a cave/mine occurrence for Southeastern myotis (Myotis austroriparius) within the Appalachian LCC region.
Located in
Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps
Bat Records by County
County Occurrence Map for Tri-colored Bat
Distribution map of counties with a cave/mine occurrence for Tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus) within the Appalachian LCC region.
Located in
Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps
Bat Records by County
County Occurrence Map for Virginia Big-eared Bat
Distribution map of counties with an occurrence for Virginia Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii virginianus) within the Appalachian LCC region.
Located in
Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps
Bat Records by County
Released Virginia big-eared bat
Virginia big-eared bat being released at Repass Saltpetre Cave in Virginia.
Located in
TRB Images
Virginia big-eared bat
Virginia big-eared bat from Repass Saltpetre Cave in Virginia being measured before release.
Located in
TRB Images