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Climate Change
Located in Cooperative / Our Plan / Section 1: Biodiversity and Conservation Challenges Across the Appalachian Region
Appalachian LCC as a Climate Refugia and Continental-scale Connectivity Corridor
Located in Cooperative / Our Plan / Section 1: Biodiversity and Conservation Challenges Across the Appalachian Region
State Agencies and Climate Change Planning
State Wildlife Action Plans prepared by natural resource agencies describe monitoring species and their habitats, monitoring the effectiveness of the conservation actions proposed, and adapting these conservation actions to respond appropriately to new information or changing conditions, including climate change. Other agencies at the state and federal level have also identified a need to plan strategically for climate change. The following states had published climate change plans or reports at the time of publication of the Appalachian Development and Operations Plan.
Located in Cooperative / Our Plan / Section 1: Biodiversity and Conservation Challenges Across the Appalachian Region
Federal Conservation Agencies & Climate Change
Located in Cooperative / Our Plan / Section 1: Biodiversity and Conservation Challenges Across the Appalachian Region
USGS Climate Change Centers
Located in Cooperative / Our Plan / Section 2: Science Capacity within the Appalachian Community Federal Departments/Agencies
File Climate Change
2013 SN Portfolio: Mission to create an effective adaptation strategy for climate change based on the best available science.
Located in Cooperative / / 2013 Science Needs Portfolio / PDF Thematic Areas
File Troff document 2013 SN Portfolio (Full Report)
In February 2013, almost 50 experts from a wide range of technical background in both natural and social sciences, as well as geographic expertise across the entire region, volunteered to participate in the annual review of the Appalachian LCC Science Needs Portfolio. 2013 marked the first revision of the Portfolio.
Located in Cooperative / / 2013 Science Needs Portfolio / PDF Thematic Areas
The South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (SALCC) is part of a national network of Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs). The partnership will consider landscape-scale stressors, including climate change, habitat fragmentation, invasive species, and water scarcity as it attempts to provide a vision for a landscape capable of sustaining healthy populations of fish, wildlife, plants and cultural resources. The SALCC crosses six states, from southern Virginia to northern Florida.
Located in Cooperative / The Network / Neighboring LCCs
File National Fish Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy strategies and goals
National Fish Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy goals, strategies and actions from Chapter 3 of the document
Located in Cooperative / / AppLCC-NALCC_reporting_coord / Climate and Nat'l Adaptation Reporting
File North Atlantic LCC - NFWPCAS Strategy Crosswalk
North Atlantic LCC - NFWPCAS Crosswalk of strategies and actions
Located in Cooperative / / AppLCC-NALCC_reporting_coord / Climate and Nat'l Adaptation Reporting