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New Website Highlights the 40th Anniversary of Endangered Species Act
In 1972, President Nixon declared that conservation efforts in the United States aimed toward preventing the extinction of species were inadequate and called on the 93rd Congress to develop comprehensive endangered species legislation. Congress responded, and on December 28th, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 was signed into law.
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Federal/private partnership brings in 4-to-1 taxpayer returns for conservation
The USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation partnership created $40.5 million out of an initial $10.3 million taxpayer investment in 2011 for on-the-ground conservation efforts throughout the United States.
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Initiative Heals Rare Forest and Recovers Squirrel
Fortunately for the West Virginia northern flying squirrel and the Cheat Mountain salamander, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is supported by a number of partners, through the Central Appalachian Spruce Restoration Initiative (CASRI), in efforts to protect and restore historic red spruce-northern hardwood ecosystems across the high elevation landscapes of central Appalachia. The CASRI is a partnership of diverse interests with a common goal of protecting the remaining red spruce stands and restore red spruce ecosystems where they have disappeared.
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National Strategy Will Help Safeguard Fish, Wildlife and Plants in a Changing Climate
In partnership with State and Tribal agencies, the Obama Administration today released the first nationwide strategy to help public and private decision makers address the impacts that climate change is having on natural resources and the people and economies that depend on them. Developed in response to a request by Congress, the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy is the product of extensive national dialogue that spanned nearly two years and was shaped by comments from more than 55,000 Americans.
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Restoration Effort Moving Forward with Land Acquisitions as Part of $21 Million Palmerton Zinc Natural Resource Damages Settlement
State and federal environmental officials announced today that two land purchases have been made to benefit the wildlife, people and landscape of the Kittatinny Ridge.
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Designing reserves for biodiversity
What is the best way to design a new conservation reserve? There are multiple factors to consider, including species diversity, spatial extent, and future climate changes.
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Interior Department Proposes Expansion of Hunting, Fishing Opportunities in National Wildlife Refuge System
In advance of National Hunting and Fishing Day on September 28th, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell today announced that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to expand fishing and hunting opportunities throughout the National Wildlife Refuge System, opening up new hunting programs on six refuges and expanding existing hunting and fishing programs on another 20 refuges. The proposed rule also modifies existing refuge-specific regulations for more than 75 additional refuges and wetland management districts.
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Conservation easement protects Randolph County 'land bridge'
A 555-acre stretch of private land in high country of Randolph County connecting the Laurel Fork Wilderness to the Seneca Creek Backcountry has been protected through a permanent conservation easement.
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Urban Wildlife Initiative Engages Communities
American society is more ethnically and socially diverse than any other time in history, and this diversity will only increase into the future. However, visitors to the National Wildlife Refuge System, in general, have not been representative of this change. In order to build a connected conservation community that recognizes values for people and wildlife, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has embarked on a multi-faceted Urban Wildlife Refuge Initiative to reflect the diverse perspectives, values and cultures of America.
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New National Wildlife Refuge Established to Protect Some of Appalachia’s Rarest Places
The Mountain Bogs National Wildlife Refuge became America’s 563rd refuge today.
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