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Murry Burgess ’23 is Mentoring the Next Generation of Conservation Leaders
A passion for research and mentorship led Murry Burgess ‘23 to a career in academia as an assistant professor in the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture at Mississippi State University.
Located in News & Events
Organization Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy
ARC saves herps through a strategic, scientific, and passionate approach that allows us to make a real difference. We implement localized, regional, species-based PARCAs (Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas) and weave them together across the country into a national strategy capable of making great impact. We practice Transformative Science with the urgency required to save those species and ecosystems at greatest risk.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Troff document Alachua Conservation Trust
Since 1988, Alachua Conservation Trust (ACT) has been protecting the natural, historic, scenic, and recreational resources in and around north central Florida.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Naples Botanical Garden
Naples Botanical Garden conserves the plants and habitats of the tropics, cultivates beauty, offers knowledge, and inspires the protection of nature.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization HN Biology Investigation
En HN Biology Investigation tenemos la convicción de que la ciencia debe ser accesible para todos. Por lo cual tenemos como meta generar conocimiento por medio del uso de herramientas necesarias para nuestra formación como científicos profesionales. Para lograr lo anterior se imparten cursos y talleres tanto virtuales como presenciales, en campo y laboratorio a costos accesible al publico en general, incluso brindando becas para las personas o instituciones interesadas.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential to achieving our mission of protecting essential ecosystem services, creating sustainable working lands, and enhancing biodiversity. This course is an introduction to the podcast "Ted Takeaways" and how we can work together to address landscape-level issues and promote sustainable working lands with an eye towards equity and inclusion.
Located in Learning & Tech Transfer / Training Resources / Inbox
Organization Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS)
SECAS brings together public and private organizations around a bold vision for the future of our region. We're connecting the lands and waters of the Southeast and Caribbean to support healthy ecosystems, thriving fish and wildlife populations, and vibrant communities. With a data-driven spatial plan and an ambitious regional goal, SECAS helps accelerate conservation action in the places where it will make the biggest impact.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization The Conservation Foundation
The support of more than 5,000 members and 500 volunteers helps us carry out our mission to improve the health of our communities by preserving and restoring open space and natural lands, protecting rivers and watersheds, and promoting stewardship of our environment in northeastern Illinois. We focus our work in DuPage, Kane, Kendall, and Will Counties where we have helped preserve more than 35,000 acres of open space, and we also go where we are needed in LaSalle, DeKalb, and Grundy Counties.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Yellowstone to Yukon: Indigenous Leadership in Conservation
Join the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center - Global Change Fellows for a Global Change Seminar: “Yellowstone to Yukon: Indigenous Leadership in Conservation“
Located in News & Events / Events
Conservation Solutions Prevent Further Erosion of Hellbender Habitat
The water quality efforts made by producers and landowners in hellbender habitats are helping bring back eastern hellbender populations, restoring unstable streambanks, and reducing severe erosion on working agricultural lands.
Located in News & Events