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File Interpretive Text and Graphics for AppLCC Web Portal (conservation planning tools)
We have provided some interpretation material and text for conservation planning tools. These programs have been grouped into broad, sometime overlapping purposes. These brief descriptions of the various conservation planning tools can be put up on the AppLCC web portal, for users to get an idea about the tools available and what purposes they could serve. We have alo provided other links, where users can get detailed information about the tool.
Located in Research / Data Needs Assessment
File Octet Stream Interpretive Text and Graphics for AppLCC Web Portal (data)
This document presents map images and text that describes the data that can be posted to the AppLCC web portal. The arrangement follows the layout of the Appalachain Landscape Conservation Cooperative GIS Datasets.
Located in Research / Data Needs Assessment
Person Jantz, Patrick
Located in Expertise Search
LANDFIRE office hour chats
Located in Fire Mapping / National Fire Mapping / Landfire
File List of Conservation Planning Tools, Functions, and Relevance to AppLCC Conservation Planning Goals
The number of conservation planning tools and approaches is a growing and dynamic field of research. Here, we present description and evaluation of 21 conservation planning tools. To reduce the complexity of the conservation planning tools we decided to take a functional-grouping approach. These six groups are: reserve planning, habitat connectivity, species distribution modeling and viability, planning process integration, threats and climate change. To do the review, we used our own knowledge of conservation planning software and approaches, surveyed the literature for references to published programs, and searched the internet for emerging programs. We have condensed this information into a table (Table 1) and used it as a springboard for further exploration and discussion.
Located in Research / Data Needs Assessment
File ECMAScript program Make up of LCCs across the Country by States
List of number of states within each LCC.
Located in Research / Data Needs Assessment
Request for Spatial Data Download from The Appalachian LCC
Located in Data / Share Landscape Partnership and Partner Spatial Data
Request for Spatial Data Download from The Appalachian LCC
Located in Resources / Data / Share Appalachian LCC and Partner Spatial Data
File Summary of Q3 2013 TOT Review
Review by Technical Oversight Team of 3rd Quarter 2013 report
Located in Research / / Quarterly Reports / Q3 2013