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LANDFIRE office hour chats
Located in Fire Mapping / National Fire Mapping / Landfire
Video Energy Forecast Mapping Tool Tutorial
This video presentation by Judy Dunscomb, Senior Conservation Scientist at The Nature Conservancy, provides a detailed overview of how to use the Energy Forecast Mapping Tool.
Located in Tools & Resources / Assessing Future Energy Development
Request for Spatial Data Download from The Appalachian LCC
Located in Resources / Data / Share Appalachian LCC and Partner Spatial Data
Project C++ source code Interactive Conservation Planning for the Appalachian LCC
The Appalachian LCC is currently engaged in an effort to develop a draft regional conservation plan for the Cooperative using an interactive and iterative spatial prioritization framework. Using available data and modeling approaches that are well supported in the literature, researchers from Clemson University are developing conservation planning models that include site selection, ecological threat assessments, and broad ranging habitat and ecological connectivity analyses.
Located in Research
Data Needs Assessment Research Delivers Suite of Conservation Planning Products
The Data Needs Assessment research project was undertaken to review conservation planning tools, datasets, and methods to provide packages of products, data, and identified data gaps to improve conservation planning in the Appalachian LCC region.
Located in News & Events
File ECMAScript program Make up of LCCs across the Country by States
List of number of states within each LCC.
Located in Research / Data Needs Assessment
File C++ source code An Analysis of State Wildlife Action Plans in the Appalachian LCC
In this synthesis, we describe how the information contained in the individual State Wildlife Action Plans and conservation plans by other agencies can be linked together towards identifying opportunities to integrate state and local scale efforts into regional conservation framework for the AppLCC. Specifically, our aim was to quantify the objectivity and efforts across the 15 partner states. We are particularly interested in the commonalities of methodology and results across plans. Throughout the document, we integrate our previous efforts in this data needs assessment to figure out ways that state efforts can be upscaled to meet regional planning goals.
Located in Research / Data Needs Assessment
Climate-Aquatics Blog
New report describes data collection protocols for continuous monitoring of temperature & flow in wadeable streams.
Located in News & Events
Request for Spatial Data Download from The Appalachian LCC
Located in Data / Share Landscape Partnership and Partner Spatial Data
File Troff document Appalachian LCC Data Needs Assessment Final Report
This project was undertaken to evaluate existing datasets for the Appalachian LCC region, package relevant datasets, review of some of the most commonly used conservation planning tools, provide interpretive text and graphics for datasets and tools, and identify data gaps that could improve conservation planning in the Appalachian LCC. Additionally, we reviewed and analyzed State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAP) from 15 states that intersect with the LCC, and corresponded with the SWAP coordinators to get their input on summaries and information on the upcoming 2015 revisions.
Located in Research / Data Needs Assessment