Conservation Planning Process
Conservation planning identifies and prioritizes lands that encompass important natural or cultural resources across the landscape (e.g., critical watersheds, habitat for rare or threatened species) and develops protection and management strategies for these lands. It is a process where science is at the core of planning, but the science is informed by groups of stakeholders using their on-the-ground knowledge and expertise. Dr. Robert Baldwin of Clemson University explains in this video the steps involved in the conservation planning process.
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Conservation Planning
Data Needs Assessment Research Update
This presentation from Dr. Robert Baldwin of Clemson University provides an update to the Steering Committee on the Appalachian LCC funded research project. The Data Needs Assessment project is evaluating existing spatial data, assembling public data in geodatabase, defining conservation planning tasks that can be accomplished, identifying problems to address if data gaps are filled, interpreting uses of data, and conducting analysis of ongoing planning efforts.
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Data Sharing and the AppLCC Web Portal
Video Presentation by Appalachian LCC GIS Specialist Paul Leonard that describes the vision and functionality of the AppLCC web portal in regards to sharing and visualizing data.
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Videos and Webinars
Theme: Work of the Appalachian LCC
EDDMapS: Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System
EDDMapS is a web-based mapping system for documenting invasive species and pest distribution. It is fast, easy to use, and doesn't require GIS experience. Launched in 2005 by the Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health at the University of Georgia, it was originally designed as a tool for state Exotic Pest Plant Councils to develop more complete distribution data of invasive species. Since then, the program has expanded to include the entire US and Canada as well as to document certain native pest species. EDDMapS' goal is to maximize the effectiveness and accessibility of the immense numbers of invasive species and pest observations recorded each year. As of June 2021, EDDMapS has over 5.2 million records.
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Apps, Maps, & Data
Energy Forecast Mapping Tool Tutorial
This video presentation by Judy Dunscomb, Senior Conservation Scientist at The Nature Conservancy, provides a detailed overview of how to use the Energy Forecast Mapping Tool.
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Tools & Resources
Assessing Future Energy Development
GIS & Conservation Planning Portal Overview
Dr. Paul Leonard provides a general overview of the GIS & Conservation Planning section within the Appalachian LCC Web Portal.
GIS & Conservation Planning Portal Overview
Paul Leonard provides a general overview regarding the new GIS & Conservation Planning Portal within the Appalachian LCC Web Portal. This new area of the website is intended for broad dissemination of conservation literature, tools, and other resources to help guide land managers with on-the-ground conservation action throughout the region. Users can also find a framework that supports a systematic conservation planning effort. This framework ranges from setting conservation targets to ultimately measuring conservation success. The tab structure of this portal is meant to progress in an intuitive manner which fosters an environment of informed and strategic planning. In addition, tools such as a web-enabled map viewer and decision support models can be dynamically executed.
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Past SC Meetings and Materials
Steering Committee Call 3/6/14
LANDFIRE office hour chats
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Fire Mapping
National Fire Mapping
Landscape-scale Conservation Planning
A basic overview of the principles and methods for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative, including a discussion on the major goals of landscape conservation.
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Conservation Planning
Conservation Planning Webinars
Northeast Conservation Planning Atlas
The Northeast Conservation Planning Atlas is a science-based mapping platform that provides access to high-quality geospatial datasets, maps and information to facilitate partner-driven conservation from Maritime Canada to the Appalachians. Produced by the Conservation Biology Institute.
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Apps, Maps, & Data