App LCC TNC Terrestrial Ecoregions
Depicts the Terrestrial Ecoregions produced by TNC; based on USFS subsection map (Keyes et al. 1995)
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SC Indicator and Surrogate Species Work Group
Maps & GIS Materials
GIS & Conservation Planning Portal Overview
Paul Leonard provides a general overview regarding the new GIS & Conservation Planning Portal within the Appalachian LCC Web Portal. This new area of the website is intended for broad dissemination of conservation literature, tools, and other resources to help guide land managers with on-the-ground conservation action throughout the region. Users can also find a framework that supports a systematic conservation planning effort. This framework ranges from setting conservation targets to ultimately measuring conservation success. The tab structure of this portal is meant to progress in an intuitive manner which fosters an environment of informed and strategic planning. In addition, tools such as a web-enabled map viewer and decision support models can be dynamically executed.
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Past SC Meetings and Materials
Steering Committee Call 3/6/14
Appalachain Landscape Conservation Cooperative GIS Datasets
The Appalachain Landscape Conservation Cooperative Datasets are located in a folder named “AppLCC_USGS_ConicEA_Projection” and each theme has its own folder. Most folders have a layer file for displaying the raster datasets, however if there is more than one raster in the folder, it may be necessary to point the layer to the desired raster each time it is loaded. Also there are a few layer files and one geodataset (NWI) that will only work in ArcGIS 10.x. The layer file with the same name as the raster dataset should work in both ArcGIS 9.x and 10.x. In each case we attempted to download the latest (Spring 2013) revision of the dataset that completely covered the Appalachain LCC.
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Data Needs Assessment