Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
We inspire people to live in harmony with the natural world by fostering love, appreciation, and understanding of the Sonoran Desert.
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5B Restoration Coalition
The 5B Restoration Coalition or 5BRC (named to reflect the license plate code for Blaine County, ID) has worked to collaboratively develop priorities, build stronger private-public partnerships, and encourage community stewardship for sustainable outcomes. The 5BRC is working to apply the region's best thinking across sectors, developing creative and effective solutions that will generate both community and ecological resilience for future natural events.
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Obed Watershed Community Association
Obed Watershed Community Association (OWCA) is a Crossville, TN-based nonprofit with the mission to protect and enhance the watersheds of the Obed River and its tributaries within Cumberland County, TN through community education, creating opportunities for community research and service projects, and promoting conservation, recreation, and best management practices. It also supports activities in other nearby watersheds both within Cumberland County and surrounding counties.
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Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund
The Federation has been successfully working since 1967 to provide Black farmers, landowners, and cooperatives in the Southern region with land retention assistance, cooperative development assistance, and advocacy. The Federation is a non-profit cooperative association of black farmers, landowners, and cooperatives. The majority of our farmers, landowners, cooperatives, and credit unions are in Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana.
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Mountain True
MountainTrue champions resilient forests, clean waters, and healthy communities in the Southern Blue Ridge.
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Coalitions and Collaboratives, Inc.
COCO uses the expertise gained from CUSP programs to mentor, empower, and engage local conservation organizations across the state and nationally. Local collaborative organizations have a vested interest in local place: no one has more to lose than the locals.
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Pollinator Partnership
Pollinator Partnership works with diverse stakeholders representing various perspectives with the goal of creating positive change for pollinators. We work with farmers, gardeners, land managers, scientists, and industry to develop tools and programs that help keep pollinators safe from pesticides, habitat loss, climate change, and other threats.
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Cacapon and Lost Rivers Land Trust
The Cacapon and Lost Rivers Land Trust is the only homegrown organization exclusively dedicated to permanently protecting and preserving land in Cacapon and Lost River Valley. We have worked with our Valley’s landowners, for over 25 years to protect and preserve the natural resources, beauty and uniqueness of our Valley. Our work focuses on protecting only the richest ecological and economically beneficial areas to create a network or natural land hubs and corridors.
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South-Central Interior Small Stream and Riparian Habitat
This habitat was assessed in both the Cumberland - Southern Appalachian subregion and the Interior Low Plateau subregion. Results are in the first two tabs of the spreadsheet. A description of the habitat, and a list of associated species, is included in the description tab. The remaining tabs describe the individual factors and their definitions. These results are in the review stage. Please send comments to lesley_sneddon@natureserve.org.
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Phase II: Vulnerability Assessments
Habitat Vulnerability Assessments
Central Appalachian Climate Change Vulnerability Species Assessments
These results are a compilation of climate change vulnerability assessments in the northern-most portion of the LCC, covering the area from New York south to West Virginia and Virginia, west to Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio.
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Assessing Vulnerability of Species and Habitats to Large-scale Impacts
Vulnerability Assessment Foundational Data by Subregion