Tree map: Program catalogs every grove in the U.S. forest
Karin Riley, a fire researcher at the Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, helped develop Tree Map, a computer program that catalogs data for wooded areas across the Continental United States. The program allows researchers and fire crews to study and react to fire patterns for better mitigation and suppression.
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Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity Interactive Viewer
The MTBS program was established to provide a consistent methodology to assess and document the effects of fire at a national scale. Since the program’s inception in 2005, MTBS mapping methods have evolved to accommodate changes and advancements in technology, software, satellite data and the availability of reliable fire occurrence data. It is anticipated these methods will continue to evolve into the future, however, the MTBS mapping approach has consistently occurred in five primary steps: 1. Fire Occurrence Data Compilation; 2. Landsat Scene Selection and Image Pre-processing; 3. Perimeter Delineation; 4. Burn Severity Interpretation; and 5. Data Distribution.
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Fire Mapping
Other National Fire Mapping
Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity
Forest and Rangelands National Priority Maps
Contains maps for: National Priorities for Broad-Scale Fuels Management; National Priorities for Community Planning and Coordination; National Priorities for Managing Human-Caused Ignitions; and Large, long-duration wildfire potential with opportunities map for managing wildfires for resource objectives.
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Fire Mapping
National Fire Mapping
Other National Fire Mapping