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Nations Celebrate Centennial of Landmark Migratory Bird Treaty
Agreement between U.S. and Canada responsible for many successes in bird conservation; will help us meet challenges that lie ahead.
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Native grasses win performance tests
More than one study shows good gains and low costs from native forages.
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Native Plants Boost Conservation Benefits, Strengthen Wildlife Populations
Native plants in many parts of the U.S. are struggling because of changes in land use and climate, posing problems for the wildlife species that depend on them for sustenance and sanctuary.
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NatureServe Enhances LandScope Chesapeake Conservation Tool with New Data and Content
With support from the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NALCC), NatureServe recently completed a project to expand LandScope Chesapeake, a web-based mapping platform designed to protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
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NEAFWA Workshop: Applying Information and Tools from LCCs in the Northeast
On April 3, 2016, the Appalachian LCC and the North Atlantic LCC partnered to deliver a hands-on workshop for applying information and tools developed by LCCs in the northeast region.
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Nevada Develops a Plan to Increase Relevancy
The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) recently developed an action plan to expand engagement with the Hispanic community and young adults in their state. The goal of the plan is to increase the relevancy of conservation for those groups. During a two-day workshop, a cross-section of 15 staff from all NDOW divisions and regions explored results of an internal assessment of the agency’s readiness to increase relevancy with new constituencies, input from interviews with Hispanic and young adult stakeholders conducted by Dr. Cindi Jacobson with Innovative Outcomes, and data from a statewide survey of Nevada residents conducted by Responsive Management, Inc.
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New analysis highlights conservation challenges and opportunities on Western public lands
Recently published science applies remote-sensing tools to BLM-managed rangelands and provides an unprecedented record of how the vegetation across this enormous area has changed over the past 30 years.
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New bill may mean more ability to conserve at-risk wildlife species in Arkansas
WASHINGTON, DC – Conservation of our nation’s wildlife may see a dramatic boost thanks to a bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives July 12 by Representatives Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) and Debbie Dingell (D-MI). The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (H.R. 3742) was introduced with bipartisan support to devote additional money to wildlife conservation throughout the U.S.
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New Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments Available for Species and Habitats
New climate change vulnerability assessments for 41 species and 3 habitats in the Appalachians are now available on the Web Portal.
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New Conservation Fellow Joins LCC Team
Our second Conservation Fellow, Dr. Madeline (Maddie) Brown, will be coming on board in the summer of 2017 and stationed at Penn State University under the direction of Dr. Tim Murtha and jointly supported by the Appalachian LCC and National Park Service.
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