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Organization Wildlands Conservation
Wildlands Conservation’s mission is to conserve and manage wildlands. “Wildlands” is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit land trust and conservation organization comprised of ecologists, land managers, and educators dedicated to keeping our lands wild for wildlife, people, and future generations, forever.
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Organization The Aerospace Corporation
In an era of dynamic change in space, Aerospace is addressing a generation of complex challenges. We operate the only federally funded research and development center (FFRDC) committed exclusively to the space enterprise. Our technical experts span every discipline of space-related science and engineering.
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Organization Conservation Biology Institute
Conservation Biology Institute provides scientific expertise to support the conservation and recovery of biological diversity in its natural state through applied research, education, planning, and community service.
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Organization PulsePoint Foundation
PulsePoint is a 501(c)(3) public non-profit foundation building applications that help public safety agencies inform and engage their citizens.
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Organization Troff document The Barn Group Land Trust
TBG preserves, protects, and maintains streams, wetlands, and natural resources to increase stewardship and conservation for present and future generations.
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Organization New Mexico Acequia Association
The mission of the New Mexico Acequia Association is to protect water and our acequias, grow healthy food for our families and communities, and to honor our cultural heritage in New Mexico. Through involvement in NMAA, families and youth are inspired to cultivate the land, care for our acequias, and heal past injustices. Communities have an abundance of healthy, locally-grown food because we recognize agriculture as a respected and dignified livelihood and way of life.
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Organization Intertribal Agriculture Council
The Intertribal Agriculture Council was founded in 1987 to pursue and promote the conservation, development and use of our agricultural resources for the betterment of our people. The Intertribal Agriculture Council conducts a wide range of programs designed to further the goal of improving Indian Agriculture. The IAC promotes the Indian use of Indian resources and contracts with federal agencies to maximize resources for tribal members.
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Organization Indigenous Peoples Burning Network
The Indigenous Peoples Burning Network (IPBN) is a support network among Native American communities that are revitalizing their traditional fire practices in a contemporary context. Since time immemorial indigenous people have been using refined fire practices to care for landscapes in what is now the U.S.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Center for Heirs' Property Preservation
The Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that protects heirs’ property and promotes its sustainable use to provide increased economic benefit to historically under-served families.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization D source code Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund
The Federation has been successfully working since 1967 to provide Black farmers, landowners, and cooperatives in the Southern region with land retention assistance, cooperative development assistance, and advocacy. The Federation is a non-profit cooperative association of black farmers, landowners, and cooperatives. The majority of our farmers, landowners, cooperatives, and credit unions are in Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana. ​
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search