Map of Fisheries Partnerships within AppLCC Boundary
The Eastern Brook Trout JV, Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership, and Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership all lie within the AppLCC boundary.
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General Resources Holdings
AppLCC Development and Operations Planning
Energy Assessment News Release
A new study and online mapping tool by the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and The Nature Conservancy are intended to inform discussions among conservation agencies and organizations, industry, policy makers, regulators and the public on how to protect essential natural resources while realizing the benefits of increased domestic energy production.
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Tools & Resources
Assessing Future Energy Development
Riparian Restoration Decision Support Tool
An innovative riparian planting and restoration decision support tool is now available to the conservation community. This user-friendly tool allows managers and decision-makers to rapidly identify and prioritize areas along the banks of rivers, streams, and lakes for restoration, making these ecosystems more resilient to disturbance and future changes in climate. It will also help the conservation community invest limited conservation dollars wisely, helping to deliver sustainable resources.
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Tools & Resources
Fact Sheet: Riparian Restoration Decision Support Tool
An innovative web-based tool - funded by the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and developed by researchers from the U.S. Forest Service and
the University of Massachusetts - is allowing managers to rapidly identify high-priority riparian targets for restoration to make more resilient in preparation for changes in future climate. The Riparian Restoration Prioritization to Promote Climate Change Resilience (RPCCR) tool identifies vulnerable stream and riverbanks that lack tree cover and shade in coldwater stream habitats. By locating the best spots to plant trees in riparian zones, resource managers can provide shade that limits the amount of solar radiation heating the water and reduces the impacts from climate change. This well-established management strategy will benefit high-elevation, cold-water aquatic communities.
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Tools & Resources
Riparian Restoration Decision Support Tool
App LCC States Map
Depicts 15 states within the Appalachian LCC Boundary
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Planning In Practice
Community Foundational Maps
App LCC Coal Fields
Depicts coal fields, coal types, and likely accessibility.
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Planning In Practice
Community Foundational Maps
App LCC Crop Biomass
Depicts estimate of Crop Biomass from 2008 by county.
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Planning In Practice
Community Foundational Maps
App LCC Ecoregions (EPA level III)
Depicts EPA level III ecoregions which are encompassed by LCC
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Planning In Practice
Community Foundational Maps
App LCC Forest Biomass
Depicts estimate of forest residual biomass from 2007 per county.
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Planning In Practice
Community Foundational Maps
App LCC Landcover
Depicts the landcover types from NLCD 2006 within the Appalachian LCC
Located in
Planning In Practice
Community Foundational Maps