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Project Bear Creek Mussel Recovery
Restoring mussel fauna
Located in Projects
Project Bear Creek to Signal Peak
The Bear Creek to Signal Peak Collaborative Restoration Project area is located north and west of Silver City in southwestern New Mexico.
Located in Resources / / Projects / Fire-Community & Infrastructure
Project Big Flat Community Protection
The Big Flat Community Protection Project boundary landscape covers approximately 11,388 acres dominated by dense stands of even-aged Douglas-fir and tanoak that present a high hazardous fuels risk for the remote wildland urban interface (WUI) community of Big Flat.
Located in Resources / / Projects / Fire-Community & Infrastructure
Project Butte Valley South Landscape Restoration
Since 2010, wildfires have burned nearly 770,000 acres in Siskiyou County, California. Prescribed burns are a useful management tool for resilient and healthy landscapes, forests and watersheds, while larger fuel loads and less resilient landscapes threaten local communities, human health and safety, habitat, wildlife, and natural resources.
Located in Resources / / Projects / Prescribed Burn
Organization Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) is a global research university with more than 12,000 students, 95,000 alumni, and 5,000 faculty and staff. Our award-winning faculty members are renowned for working closely with students to solve major scientific, technological and societal challenges -- including critical conservation challenges.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Project Catalina-Rincon Restoration and Fuels Mitigation
The Catalina-Rincon Restoration project area consists of 925,450 acres, encompassing the Santa Catalina Ranger District of the Coronado National Forest (CNF). The project area wraps around the northern and eastern sides of the Tucson basin with a population of nearly 1 million.
Located in Resources / / Projects / Fire-Community & Infrastructure
Video Cave and Karst Mapping and Classification Update
This presentation from Professor David Culver of American University provides an update to the Steering Committee on the Appalachian LCC funded research project that is assembling and identifying key location and classification data while developing products that depict and map cave and karst habitats and biological resources across the Appalachian LCC. Developing a consistent classification system and mapping for cave and karst habitats is a foundational need for these highly unique habitats.This project will develop cave and karst data and a georeferenced suite of products that are consistent in methodology to support larger-scale planning efforts, yet usable at scales that will support local resource decision-makers.
Located in Cooperative / / Past SC Meetings and Materials / Steering Committee Call 3/6/14
Organization Clemson University
Clemson University is a leading public research institution located in Upstate South Carolina. At Clemson, researchers create solutions that change the world.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Video Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments Project Update
This presentation from Lesley Sneddon of NatureServe provides an update to the Steering Committee on a Appalachian LCC funded research project. Research is compiling climate change vulnerability assessments and other relevant information on vulnerable species and habitats, discerning the various methodologies and criteria used in these assessments, and using a team of expert peer reviewers to recommend the most efficient, effective, and appropriate methods for adoption by the Appalachian LCC for conservation and adaptation planning. The recommended method will then be deployed, resulting in vulnerability assessments for a suite of key species/habitats selected in consultation with partners of the Appalachian LCC.
Located in Cooperative / / Past SC Meetings and Materials / Steering Committee Call 3/6/14
Organization College of Environmental Science and Forestry at the State University of New York
The College of Environmental Science and Forestry at the State University of New York advances knowledge and skills to promote the leadership necessary for the stewardship of both the natural and designed environments.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search