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An Environmental Component of a "One Health" approach, the mission of the Agricultural Antibiotic Resistance (AgAR) project is to: develop practical tools and protocols to measure antibiotic drugs, resistant bacteria and resistance genes in agriculturally-impacted soil, water, air, and food; design and evaluate agricultural best management practices to limit the persistence and spread of antibiotic resistance from agroecosystems; and facilitate sharing of ideas and resources among ARS scientists by establishing an agency-wide network of researchers with the common goal of conducting science-based research on AgAR topics.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings
GRACEnet (Greenhouse gas Reduction through Agricultural Carbon Enhancement network) is a research program initiated in the early 2000s . Goals are to better quantify greenhouse gas GHG emissions from cropped and grazed soils under current management practices and to identify and further develop improved management practices that will enhance carbon (C) sequestration in soils, decrease GHG emissions, promote sustainability and provide a sound scientific basis for carbon credits and GHG trading programs.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings
NUOnet Vision: Efficient use of nutrients to optimize production and product quality of food for animals and humans, fuel and fiber in a sustainable manner that contributes to ecosystem services.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings
REAP (Resilient Economic Agricultural Practices), formerly known as the Renewable Energy Assessment Project, was initially organized to quantitatively assess the impacts of crop residue (e.g., corn stover) on soil properties. The project's current vision is to revitalize soil health and resiliency, thereby enabling soil resources to meet expanding societal demands while safe-guarding planetary health. Goals include 1) Identifying physical, chemical, or biological parameters and index tools that quantify management effects on carbon sequestration and soil health; 2) Conducting coordinated, quantitative multi-location comparisons of business as usual vs. improved management practices designed to enhance nutrient use efficiency and soil health; 3) Identification of critical indicators and index tools to quantify site-specific soil health and water quality effects; 4) Developing, expanding, and coordinating among ARS teams providing data and databases needed to sustainably supply cellulosic-based bioenergy feedstock and other national natural resource and agricultural challenges.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings
To help enhance USA soil health, and ensure a robust living soil component that sustains essential functions for healthy plants, animals, and environment, and ultimately provides food for a healthy society, the GRACEnet Soil Biology group are working together with the larger USDA-ARS GRACEnet community to provide soil biology component measurements across regions and to eliminate data gaps for GRACEnet and REAP efforts. The Soil Biology group is focused on efforts that foster method comparison and meta-analyses to allow researchers to better assess soil biology and soil health indicators that are most responsive to agricultural management and that reflect the ecosystems services associated with a healthy, functioning soil.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings
The National Plant Disease Recovery System (NPDRS) is called for in Homeland Security Presidential Directive Number 9 (HSPD-9) which was issued in February of 2004. The purpose of the NPDRS is to ensure that the tools, infrastructure, communication networks, and capacity required to mitigate the impact of high consequence plant disease outbreaks are such that a reasonable level of crop production is maintained in the U.S.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings
Organization Auburn University
Auburn University has developed into one of the largest universities in the South, remaining in the educational forefront with its traditional blend of arts and applied science and changing with the needs of today while living with a respect for the traditions and spirit that are Auburn.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Person Lee, Danny
Danny is Director of the Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center of the USDA Forest Service's Southern Research Station in Asheville, NC. He lead a diverse team of reearchers working to develop tools and information needed to detect, assess, and predict environmental treats to eastern forests.
Located in Expertise Search
Assessing Future Energy Development across the Appalachians
The Nature Conservancy - with support from the Appalachian LCC - has completed a study to assist policy makers, land management agencies, and industry in assessing potential future energy development and how that may overlap with biological and ecological values.
Located in Tools
Project Maximizing the use of Volunteers for the Removal of Arborized Invasive English Ivy Vine at Rock Creek Park
Nick Bartolomeo - Chief of Resource Management, Ana Chuquin - Biological Science Technician NPS, Rock Creek Park, John Maleri - Program Coordinator, Karen Zeiter - Program Manager Rock Creek Conservancy
Located in National Park Service Spotlights / 2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources