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Ecology Team Improves Understanding of Valley-wide Stream Chemistry
A geostatistical approach for studying environmental conditions in stream networks and landscapes has been successfully applied at a valley-wide scale to assess headwater stream chemistry at high resolution, revealing unexpected patterns in natural chemical components.
Located in News & Events
Endangered and Threatened Fishes Return to Home Waters in Tennessee
Five federally endangered and threatened fish species – smoky madtom, yellowfin madtom, duskytail darter, spotfin chub, and boulder darter – have been reintroduced to streams in central Tennessee where they were once found to help speed their recovery.
Located in News & Events
Video Endangered Mussels Released into the Clinch River, Largest Release in Eastern US
Biologists from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF), and partners from Virginia Tech, the Nature Conservancy, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service stocked thousands of mussels into the Clinch River, Russell County. The Clinch River has more species of endangered freshwater mussels than any other river in North America. Elementary school students from Cleveland, VA, participated in the event, and learned about the many functions of mussels, including providing habitat for fish, becoming food for many other animals, and filtering and cleaning the water in our streams and rivers. Over 3,500 federally-endangered mussels were produced at the Department's Aquatic Wildlife Conservation Center in Marion, Virginia.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
File Fact Sheet: Habitat - Forested Stream and/or Seepage
Forested stream environments are typically found in the buffer zones between forested land and stream banks, often known as riparian zones. Stream headwaters and seepage areas occur where ground water percolates to the surface through muck, mossy rock, and nettles. It can also be found under rocks, among gravel, or cobble where water has begun to percolate in areas near open water. Breeding grounds are commonly found beneath mosses growing on rocks, on logs, or soil surfaces in these types of seepage areas.
Located in Cooperative / Publications & Outreach / Fact Sheets
File Troff document Fact Sheet: Riparian Restoration Decision Support Tool
An innovative web-based tool - funded by the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and developed by researchers from the U.S. Forest Service and the University of Massachusetts - is allowing managers to rapidly identify high-priority riparian targets for restoration to make more resilient in preparation for changes in future climate. The Riparian Restoration Prioritization to Promote Climate Change Resilience (RPCCR) tool identifies vulnerable stream and riverbanks that lack tree cover and shade in coldwater stream habitats. By locating the best spots to plant trees in riparian zones, resource managers can provide shade that limits the amount of solar radiation heating the water and reduces the impacts from climate change. This well-established management strategy will benefit high-elevation, cold-water aquatic communities.
Located in Tools & Resources / Riparian Restoration Decision Support Tool
First-of-its-kind Interactive Map Brings Together 40 Years of Water-Quality Data
A new U.S. Geological Survey interactive map provides a comprehensive, long-term look at changes in the quality of our nation’s rivers and streams over the last four decades.
Located in News & Events
Video Fishy Fragments
These clips are a short snapshot into the many hours of footage captured below the rivers. A longer documentary will be compiled in 2016 including brook trout, stone nest building, colorful darters, and many other interesting species and behaviors. Video by Eric Malone.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Video Flexing Their Mussels - Restoration of the Cheoah River
The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission's (NCWRC) mussel breeding program helps augment some declining populations and save others from extinction. There are about 17 places in the United States that grow freshwater mussels, but many of those are for research purposes. The Marion facility has held 17 of the approximately 50 species in North Carolina and has propagated seven species to bolster local populations throughout the state. Biologists Rachel Hoch, David Deaton and Peter Lamb are leading the effort in Marion with the help of the NCWRC's Aquatic Wildlife Diversity Program staff.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Video x-conference/x-cooltalk Floating the Conasauga or Just Another Day at the Office
No, all of our days are not this nice, but this one was a pretty good one! A beautiful July day, not too hot, clear blue sky and pretty good water conditions! The Conasauga is one of our favorite rivers to work! It originates in North Georgia, flows north into Tennessee, then flirts with the state line until finally turning back south into Georgia. Video by Conservation Fisheries Inc.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
File Plain Text Freshwater Mussels of the Powell River, Virginia and Tennessee: Abundance and Distribution in a Biodiversity Hotspot
Historically, the Powell River had a diverse freshwater mussel fauna of 46 species. Various surveys conducted over the past century have recorded a decline in mussel densities and diversity throughout much of the river, due to historical and on-going anthropogenic impacts. In 2008 and 2009, random timed-search, systematic search, and quadrat sampling of 21 sites were completed to document species richness, relative abundance, density, and size-class structure of resident mussel populations. We recorded 19 species from 18 sites, including 5 endangered species during quadrat sampling efforts. he mussel fauna of the lower Powell River continues to represent one of the most diverse in the United States. Outside of the Powell River, only 2 or 3 populations remain for most of the listed species extant in the river. Given these qualities, the Powell River deserves recognition as a location for focused conservation efforts to protect its diverse mussel assemblage.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings