Marxan Training Talk 5 - Zonae Cogito
PowerPoint presentation for Talk 5 of the Marxan training session.
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Technical Resources
Marxan Training Resources
Marxan Training Presentations
Marxan Training Talk 6 - Case Study Application
Powerpoint presentation for Talk 6 of the Marxan training session.
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Technical Resources
Marxan Training Resources
Marxan Training Presentations
Marxan Training Talk 7 - Introduction to Marxan with Zones
PowerPoint presentation for Talk 7 of the Marxan training.
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Technical Resources
Marxan Training Resources
Marxan Training Presentations
Marxan User Manual
User manual for Marxan software.
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Technical Resources
Marxan Training Resources
Marxan User Manuals
Marxan with Zones User Manual
User manual for using Marxan with Zones (Marxan Z) software.
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Technical Resources
Marxan Training Resources
Marxan User Manuals
NACo County Wildfire Playbook
A County Leadership Guide to Help Communities Become More Fire Adapted and Learn to Live with Wildland Fire.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
National Fire Academy online courses
Online learning is a terrific option if you want to take National Fire Academy (NFA) classes. Our online self-study and mediated courses are free to fire and emergency services personnel, and international students are welcome. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available for most courses. Successful completion is added to your NFA transcript, and you earn an NFA certificate.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center
The Prescribed Fire Training Center (PFTC) is a unique program blending maximum field prescribed burning experience with a flexible curriculum of classroom instruction on foundational topics for prescribed fire practitioners.
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LP Members
Organizations Search
National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center
National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center provides opportunities for federal, state, local, and tribal government agencies and other organizations to build skills and knowledge of prescribed fire, with an emphasis on field experience.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
National Wildfire Coordinating Group
National Wildfire Coordinating Group’s catalogue provides specific training for NWCG positions.
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Online Training Programs and Materials