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A bold plan: The story of WVU and the salvation of a historic home for brook trout
A team at WVU has been working for years with the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources to examine all of the factors that led to warmer temperatures, a wider and shallower stream and other changes that over time threatened the brook trout productivity of this important natural and economic resource.
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The Important Mission of USFWS
Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell shares her thoughts on “What makes the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service different from other bureaus with the Department of the Interior?” She also has a special message for Service employees.
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Science Applications: Fostering Science Excellence for the Service
This video answers two questions: 1. What does the Science Applications program work on and; 2. Why is it important to the public and the staff of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
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Environmental Educator Broadcast: Landscape Conservation Cooperatives
On August 26th, Appalachian LCC Coordinator Jean Brennan, National LCC Coordinator Elsa Haubold, and National LCC Communication Coordinator Laura McClean participated in a live broadcast that provided an update on the work of Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) to environmental educators.
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Managing Forests for Birds Video Series
A new video series by the Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative highlights the importance of proper forest management in improving a diversity of habitat for birds and other wildlife.
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Appalachian LCC Integrating Cultural Resources Research Webinar
Presentation by Dr. Tim Murtha of Penn State University on a collaborative research project sponsored by the National Park Service and the Appalachian LCC, which seeks to integrate cultural resources, such as historic bridges and Civil War Battlefields, into landscape conservation planning and design to emphasize both natural and cultural resources in defining conservation priorities.
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Video Virtual tour: Native Warm Season Grass Grazing
Join a tour of pasture lands that use native warm season grasses to provide good grazing for livestock and invaluable habitat, food, and shelter for native wildlife. The video highlights the benefits of different native grasses and how quickly these grasses can benefit working lands. Developed and provided by Ohio NRCS, Ohio State University Extension, the Madison Soil and Water Conservation District, and Quail/Pheasants Forever. Released September 2020.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Video Living Soil Film
Our soils support 95 percent of all food production, and by 2060, our soils will be asked to give us as much food as we have consumed in the last 500 years. 60-minute documentary featuring innovative farmers and soil health experts from across the nation. The societal and environmental costs of soil loss and degradation in the U.S. are now estimated to be as high as $85 billion every single year. It’s time we changed everything we thought we knew about soil.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Video D source code Winter Grazing - a Better Way to Feed
In this video, three livestock producers describe how extending the grazing season with winter grasses has saved them time and money, while also improving the environment; and they demonstrate the methods they used to achieve these savings. Sponsored by the NRCS - East National Technology Support Center.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Video WLFW Programs and Partnerships Webinar Series- Session # 1 “What is Working Lands for Wildlife”
This Session of the WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar series was presented by Bridgett Costanzo, USDA’s Working Lands for Wildlife East Region Coordinator and Dr. Jess McGuire, PF/QF’s Working Lands for Wildlife Program Manager. This session focuses on what exactly is WLFW? This is the first session in the new mini-series “Programs and Partnerships.” Topics covered include the definition of WLFW, how it is funded, new frameworks to come, models showing the decision-making behind the frameworks, monitoring on WLFW projects, and a quick overview of the new app “Bobscapes.”
Located in Learning & Tech Transfer / / WLFW Conservation Webinar Series / WLFW Programs and Partnerships Webinar Series