Northern bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting, Feb 23rd-24th 2021 Webinar Presentation
Presentations from the 2021 WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas Partnership Meeting
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Northern Bobwhites and Fire: A Perfect Match
Prescribed fire, bobwhite ecology, and local site conditions need to be aligned for optimal bobwhite population response. This course discusses the context of fire frequency, scale, and seasonality for bobwhite management and restoration.
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Videos, podcasts, multimedia
Northern Bobwhites and Fire: A Perfect Match
Prescribed fire, bobwhite ecology, and local site conditions need to be aligned for optimal bobwhite population response. This course discusses the context of fire frequency, scale, and seasonality for bobwhite management and restoration.
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Training Resources
Webinars and Instructional Videos
Northwest FL Prescribed Burn Association
The Northwest Florida Prescribed Burn Association (NWFPBA) is a non-profit organization consisting of private landowners and other conservation-minded individuals interested in getting more prescribed fire on the landscape.
The Northwest Florida PBA brings together knowledge, experience, and resources to put good prescribed fire on more private lands throughout the area. The region covered by this PBA is from Madison County to Escambia County in Northwest Florida.
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Northwest Montana Hazardous Fuels Program
The treatment of hazardous fuels is one of the most proactive ways to reduce potential loss of life and property in the event of a wildland fire. By following Firewise™ practices, creating defensible space, and treating fuels, you can lower your fire risk while increasing the chances that fire protection agencies can effectively deal with a wildland fire should it occur. Cost- share funding is available now in some areas to help landowners with the cost of reducing their hazardous fuels.
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Norwalk River Watershed Association
The Norwalk River Watershed Association, incorporated in 1996, is a nonprofit membership organization whose mission is to improve the water quality and fish and wildlife habitats of the 40,000-acre Norwalk River watershed; to restore the riverbanks, meadows and forests through invasive plant abatement and promotion of native species; to encourage recreational use of the river, the surrounding open space and its trails; and to promote research, legislative advocacy, education, cooperation, and action on the part of the stakeholders in the seven watershed towns in CT (Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton, New Canaan, Weston, and Norwalk) and NY (Lewisboro).
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NRCS in Florida Announces Agricultural Conservation Easement Program Signup
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Florida has announced they are accepting applications from agricultural producers and forest landowners for the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP). While NRCS does accept ACEP applications year-round, producers and landowners should apply by December 31, 2021 to be considered for funding in the current cycle.
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News & Announcements
WLFW News Inbox
NRCS Staff Support the Hellbender WLFW Program by Learning About Natural Design Principles
NRCS staff from four states met in Western NC to tour stream restoration projects for hellbenders and get a close up look at best practices.
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News & Events
NRCS Targeted Monarch Butterfly Effort
NRCS map of the targeted Monarch Butterfly effort: click to expand
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NRCS WLFW Outcomes Assessment 2012-2018 (released 2021)
An outcomes assessment report completed under a contract to Dr. JJ Apodaca from NRCS-WLFW. This document is being shared with conservation partners but broad or public sharing is not approved.
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Information Materials
WLFW Outcomes: Funded Research