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Funding for TN Partners | Riparian Restoration | Submission deadline: June 15
The submission period for the TRBN's 2021 Tennessee Shade Your Stream funding cycle is now open. The purpose of this grant opportunity is to provide technical and financial assistance to TRBN partners in the implementation of an educational riparian restoration project within the Tennessee River Basin geography across the state of Tennessee.
Located in News & Events
File TRB Network: Tennessee Shade Your Stream Grant Application
In response to TRBN collective priorities and partner input, the Tennessee River Basin Network announces the availability of financial and technical assistance for watershed and community organizations across the Tennessee River Basin within the state of Tennessee to implement a Shade Your Stream project.
Located in Resources / Upload New Resources
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Awards $1.3 Million in Grants to Conserve Habitat in the Southeast’s Cumberland Plateau
Seven projects will preserve forest and stream habitats, benefiting game species, forest-dependent birds, and fish and mussel species
Located in News & Events / Eastern Hellbender News