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File (accdb) NE/NALCC Representative species database
database from Scott Schwank, NALCC, identified via the "Representative Species" process initiated in the Northeast Region (ver. 2011-06-23). Please respect intellecual property rights.
Located in Cooperative / / SC Indicator and Surrogate Species Work Group / FWS Region-5 NALCC Representative Species Approach
A 2011 overview presentation video by Andrew Milliken (prepared as background materials for the AppLCC Science Needs Workshop -- background/orientation meeting held Nov 2011.)
Located in Cooperative / / SC Indicator and Surrogate Species Work Group / FWS Region-5 NALCC Representative Species Approach
File 2012-11-07_SALCC Approves Biological Indicator
email from Rua Mordecai/Science Coordinator, SALCC - Natural Resource Indicator process approved.
Located in Cooperative / / SC Indicator and Surrogate Species Work Group / FWS Region-4 SALCC Natural Resource Indicators
File 2012-11-01_SALCC Draft NR Indicator Process
From the draft document: "Why are indicators needed? Designing and evaluating the success of a shared blueprint for landscape conservation actions in the South Atlantic will require some specific measures of what success would look like for natural resources. The ecosystems of the South Atlantic are complex and indicators help simplify the modeling and monitoring of those systems. We cannot measure everything all of the time. Indicators are designed to integrate many ecological functions and represent other components of the system that are either too expensive or time consuming to model and measure." [And] "How will indicators be used? Indicators will be used to help design a shared blueprint for landscape conservation actions that sustain natural and cultural resources in the South Atlantic region. This blueprint will include an interactive map depicting the key places and actions needed to sustain those resources in the face of future change (e.g., urban growth, climate change, sea level rise). Indicators and measurable targets for those indicators will be used to help design this interactive map and evaluate the effectiveness of actions based on it."
Located in Cooperative / / SC Indicator and Surrogate Species Work Group / FWS Region-4 SALCC Natural Resource Indicators
File chemical/x-pdb Data Needs / Data Architecture - Scope of Work
This is the scope of work prepared by Dr. Rob Baldwin of Clemson University to conduct a study to assess the data needs related to the Appalachian LCC region, assemble available data sets and post to AppLCC cloud server, and to design the appropriate data architecture to support the landscape-level conservation planning and modeling to achieve the stated vision of the AppLCC Partnership. (Do not distribute draft.)
Located in Cooperative / / SC Meeting & Workshop, April 22-24, 2013 / SC Data Issues Work Group
File Best Practices ver. 2012-12-06
From the National LCC HQ: LCC Data Management Best Practices products of the Data Work Team (Sean Finn).
Located in Cooperative / / SC Data Issues Work Group / National LCC Data Management Working Group
File (Handout from Dec ISC call) -- "Face Book" of ISC Members
To assist the Work Group in identifying other ISC Members that may will to serve on this Work Group and/or have organizational staff willing to serve.
Located in Cooperative / / SC Meeting & Workshop, April 22-24, 2013 / Resources
File ECMAScript program Illustrative PPT slides (as pdf) on WG (major Objectives)
This set of slides were prepared as an illustrative set to help launch the various Work Groups -- using the near-term Objectives. It is not comprehensive so the more complete WORD files on Objectives and Tasks for each Work Group should be used with the Group planning.
Located in Cooperative / / SC Meeting & Workshop, April 22-24, 2013 / Resources
File Pascal source code Organizing spreadsheet - for April ISC Meeting and Workshop
This file will be updated periodically. Only the MOST RECENT copy will be posted. (Older versions will be replaced. See the date on the file name.)
Located in Cooperative / / SC Meeting & Workshop, April 22-24, 2013 / Resources
Operational Plan
The Appalachian LCC Operational Plan provides an overview on the conservation challenges in the Appalachian region, identifies the members of the conservation science and management communities, and presents the Science Needs and specific conservation targets and goals to meet landscape conservation objectives as identified in the Steering Committee's 5-Year Work Plan.
Located in Cooperative