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File chemical/x-pdb NFWPCAS - AppLCC alignment
This is a communication (i.e., not a required report - so each individual LCC communicated independently so no required reporting requirement at this (FY14) point.)
Located in Cooperative / / AppLCC-NALCC_reporting_coord / Climate and Nat'l Adaptation Reporting
File CC-AdaptationActivities-EO - signed DOI file
DOI required annual reporting as part of an Executive Order on "Climate Change Adaptation Activities." Each FWS operating unit, including LCCs, report to the FWS and rolls-up to DOI reporting under the EO.
Located in Cooperative / / AppLCC-NALCC_reporting_coord / Climate and Nat'l Adaptation Reporting
File CC-AdaptationActivities - Template 2
DOI required annual reporting as part of an Executive Order on "Climate Change Adaptation Activities." Each FWS operating unit, including LCCs, report to the FWS and rolls-up to DOI reporting under the EO.
Located in Cooperative / / AppLCC-NALCC_reporting_coord / Climate and Nat'l Adaptation Reporting
File CC-AdaptationActivities - Template 1
DOI required annual reporting as part of an Executive Order on "Climate Change Adaptation Activities." Each FWS operating unit, including LCCs, report to the FWS and rolls-up to DOI reporting under the EO.
Located in Cooperative / / AppLCC-NALCC_reporting_coord / Climate and Nat'l Adaptation Reporting
File CC-AdaptationActivities - Guidance
DOI required annual reporting as part of an Executive Order on "Climate Change Adaptation Activities." Each FWS operating unit, including LCCs, report to the FWS and rolls-up to DOI reporting under the EO.
Located in Cooperative / / AppLCC-NALCC_reporting_coord / Climate and Nat'l Adaptation Reporting
File Troff document Historic-Reference_CC-HighPerformGoalAction - draft
This appears to be an early (2011-2012) draft to guide DOI reporting under the Climate Change activities: Vulnerability Assessment, Strategies, Data Collection etc. Provides a glossary/definitions of term section.
Located in Cooperative / / AppLCC-NALCC_reporting_coord / Climate and Nat'l Adaptation Reporting
File PS document FWS-Adaptation Reporting - xls - on Workshops
This is a FWS reporting template (xls) used by all regions of the FWS to their LCCs on reporting any "Adaptation Workshops."
Located in Cooperative / / AppLCC-NALCC_reporting_coord / Climate and Nat'l Adaptation Reporting
File AppLCC 2014 P-Track (CC) Reporting
Response to request from Rick Bennett, for P-Track (Climate) Reporting to DOI. NOTE: added the specific research-projects associated with each score to help in future reporting.
Located in Cooperative / / AppLCC-NALCC_reporting_coord / Climate and Nat'l Adaptation Reporting
File AppLCC - Goal 1
Goal 1 update reporting on progress as of Aug 2014
Located in Cooperative / / AppLCC-NALCC_reporting_coord / AppLCC - Work Plan [Tasks] and [Goals] Reporting
File AppLCC - Goal 2
Goal 2 update reporting on progress as of Aug 2014
Located in Cooperative / / AppLCC-NALCC_reporting_coord / AppLCC - Work Plan [Tasks] and [Goals] Reporting