Goal 3 - Engagement
From the 5-Year Work Plan, Section B, Goal 3: Create an on-going facilitated process to promote engagement and dialogue across the Appalachian LCC region
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Our Plan
5-Year Work Plan
Goal 4 - Strategic Alignment
From the 5-Year Work Plan, Section B, Goal 4: Assess and align conservation goals and actions that reflect our Cooperative Members’ common and shared vision
Located in
Our Plan
5-Year Work Plan
NALCC Project Metadata spreadsheet w/ coding
Scott's email: As a starting point for discussion, Maritza and I have cross-walked our project pages with the fields in the National Project Catalog. We've color-coded them based on the degree to which they match (e.g., green = exact match, red = something in National system that we don't have). For the AppLCC, we also included Rose's cross-walk of your fields with the National Catalog.
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Adjacent LCCs
Rose's Crosswalk - sent to Scott Jan 9th 2015
Rose's email: sending to you and Scott the crosswalk I worked on.
Located in
Adjacent LCCs
SIAS 2.0 - xls Blank
This is the most recent (and proposed for FY14 reporting) xls template that all LCCs will use in FY14 reporting. It will be discussed in the Oct 2014 National Coordinator's training session at NCTC.
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SIAS - 2014
SIAS 2.0 - Instructions (word)
SIAS 2.0 - Instructions (word)
Located in
SIAS - 2014
NFWPCAS - AppLCC alignment
This is a communication (i.e., not a required report - so each individual LCC communicated independently so no required reporting requirement at this (FY14) point.)
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Climate and Nat'l Adaptation Reporting
CC-AdaptationActivities-EO - signed DOI file
DOI required annual reporting as part of an Executive Order on "Climate Change Adaptation Activities." Each FWS operating unit, including LCCs, report to the FWS and rolls-up to DOI reporting under the EO.
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Climate and Nat'l Adaptation Reporting
CC-AdaptationActivities - Template 2
DOI required annual reporting as part of an Executive Order on "Climate Change Adaptation Activities." Each FWS operating unit, including LCCs, report to the FWS and rolls-up to DOI reporting under the EO.
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Climate and Nat'l Adaptation Reporting
CC-AdaptationActivities - Template 1
DOI required annual reporting as part of an Executive Order on "Climate Change Adaptation Activities." Each FWS operating unit, including LCCs, report to the FWS and rolls-up to DOI reporting under the EO.
Located in
Climate and Nat'l Adaptation Reporting