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Comment Topic: 4) Increase relevance to general public; urban, rural (add value to the community).
Located in Workspace / / March_3-4_2015 / Topic: 1 (Ways to) Increase relevance to general public; urban, rural (add value to the community).
Comment Topic: 5) Engaging public and partners in more productive, timely, and honest ways.
Located in Workspace / / March_3-4_2015 / Topic: 5) (Ways of) Engaging public and partners -- productive, timely, and honest ways.
Comment Topic: 6) Good environmental ethic in the school system.
Located in Workspace / / March_3-4_2015 / Topic: 6) (Helping to promote) Good environmental ethic in the school system.
Comment Topic: 7) (Examples of) Effective communications
Located in Workspace / / March_3-4_2015 / Topic: 7) (Examples of) Effective communications
Comment Topic: 9) (Examples that?) Nest conservation in sustainable recreation and economics.
Located in Workspace / / March_3-4_2015 / Topic: 9) (Examples that) Nest conservation in sustainable recreation and economics.
Comment Topic: 10) (What challenges? given...) 80-90% of landscape in R5 is privately owned.
Located in Workspace / / March_3-4_2015 / Topic: 10) (What challenges in the NE given...) 80-90% of landscape in R5 is privately owned.
Comment Topic: 11) (How to launch?) Proactive outreach to increase relevance of the Service in the minds of the public; figure out how to outreach to local markets and communities.
Located in Workspace / / March_3-4_2015 / Topic: 11) (How do we launch) Proactive outreach to increase relevance of the Service in the minds of the public; figure out how to outreach to local markets and communities.
Comment Topic: 12) (Challenges and Approaches in?) Dealing with special interest groups.
Located in Workspace / / March_3-4_2015 / Topic: 12) (Challenges and Approaches when) Dealing with special interest groups.
Comment Topic: 8) (Strategies to generate) Strong public support; public support for our work, mission.
Located in Workspace / / March_3-4_2015 / Topic: 8) (Strategies to generate) Strong public support; public support for our work, mission.
File NCTC SDM Course Announcement Jun 2014
Structured Decision-Making (SDM) Course Announcement Jun 2014 ALC 3159, National Conservation Training Center (NCTC).
Located in Workspace / Additional Partner HD Activities and Resources / Documents