Technical and financial assistance for communities
Explore potential technical and financial assistance for diverse and/or underserved communities and producers.
The Landscape Partnership does not certify or guarantee any funding services and the reader must perform their own due diligence in selecting any funding service.
First Nations Development Institute Grants
First Nations began its national grantmaking program in 1993. Through mid-year 2022, we have successfully managed 2,702 grants totaling $54.7 million to Native American projects and organizations in 44 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. Territory American Samoa. First Nations grantmaking program provides both financial and technical resources to tribes and Native nonprofit organizations to support asset-based development efforts.
Land Conservation Assistance Network (LandCAN)
LandCAN provides information about government state and federal land grants, loan programs, and other funding sources to help you restore or buy land. Choose your state to view federal and state assistance programs in your area.
USDA: The 2501 Program for Underserved and Veteran Farmers, Ranchers, and Foresters
The 2501 Program was created to help underserved farmers, ranchers, and foresters, who have historically experienced limited access to USDA programs and services.
A Guide to USDA Resources for Historically Underserved Farmers and Ranchers
This guide can help you get started with USDA, whether you are new to farming, ranching, or forestry management, or just new to working with us. From farm loans to crop insurance, and conservation programs to disaster assistance, USDA is here to support you and your operation.