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2017 Appalachian Conservation Partners Mtg: Dec 5-6, NCTC, Shepherdstown, WV

Participants in attendance:

Gwen Brewer (MDNR), Bill Jenkins (EPA-PHL), Perry Wheelock (NPS-NCR), Jon Gassett (WMI), Tom O'Connell (USGS), Danny Lee (USFS-SR), Bridgett Costanzo (NRCS-WLFW), Paul Johansen (WV DNR), Dick Cole (ACE-IWR), Jeff Lerner (HWC), Evan Crews (TVA), Rick Durbrow (EPA-ATL), Ray Albright (NPS-SE), Bill Uihlein (FWS-R4), Mike Slattery (FWS-R5), Jean Brennan (AppLCC)

Participants on the phone: David Whitehurst (VDGIF), Cale Godfrey (VDGIF), Harold Peterson (BIA+Delaware Tribe), Lois Uranowski (OSMRE), Karl Schrass (NWF), Bill Labich (Highstead Foundation)




      • Appalachian LCC Fact Sheet - The Appalachian LCC serves as a catalyst for conservation collaboration by providing the products and data resource managers and partners need to address the environmental threats that are beyond the scope of any one agency.

Meeting Notes:


Session I. Review LCC Partnership Experience. [in Plenary]

Session I Objective: Start the process to re-imagine a partnership to address issues and challenges that can only or best be addressed as a landscape-level collaborative.  We will explore “What” (priorities), “Why” (values), “Where” (can we realize benefits of earlier investment), and “How” (must the partnership structure change to realize that potential.)

Session II.  Partner Priorities [Breakout Work Groups]

Session II Objective: Each group generates a list of priorities, grouped by relative ranking (Tiers) of importance to collectively achieve landscape conservation in key regions of Appalachia.  This should help define the unique role/purpose that this Partnership is to serve as well as why your organization should make a commitment to serve as a Partner.

    • Northern group: Report-out key points (Tier I). priorities in terms function: the "Why a Regional Partnership"
      • Building on our strength and moving forward with issues: Integrating large datasets; Create the forecasting/assessments tools
      • Across all the threats and opportunities: need for standardized data / current data/relevance of scale given the decision; coming up with share definition and standardizing the process and indicators of landscape health; Performance metrics, need consistency for definitions, evaluations, assessments, metrics; Integrating aquatic and terrestrial in the forecasting tool –holistic system approach;  coming up with share definition and standardizing the process and indicators of landscape health; Performance metrics, need consistency for definitions, evaluations, assessments, metrics; and Integrating aquatic and terrestrial in the forecasting tool –holistic system approach
    • Southern group: Report-out key points (Tier I)
      • Foster/Galvanize Communities Across Programs & Disciplines [ BIG FRAMEWORK ] that allows connectedness across geo-scale [in collaboration, iterative]
      • Channel Energies into specific areas of shared interest (places, challenges/risks, program, etc.)
      • Targeted, Facilitated Transfer of Tools for Application by Partners Who Need/Want it at their scale
      • HOW TO “TELL THE STORY” across the geography (how their contribution contributes to the larger message)
    • Regional group: Report-out key points (Tier I) priorities in terms Outcome or "Work Plan Elements of Partnership"
        • Communicate landscape conservation decision-making; Protect and restore healthy watersheds; Protect and restore healthy forests; Assess forest resilience; maintaining biodiversity


Session III.  New Ideas. New Opportunities. [in Plenary]

Session III Objective: Produce a quick list of existing or evolving opportunities (programmatic or funding). Based on discussion, rank them in terms of their strategic value to helping launch this level of the Partnership based on value to the Partnership and top tier priorities.

Panel: “lighting round” information sharing: What’s changed that may offer New Opportunities?

  • National Capital Region (NR & CR Program Integrated work) - Perry Wheelock, NPS
  • Southeast (State Directors) SEAFWA: SECAS – Bill Uihlein, FWS-R4
  • Northeast (State Directors) NEAFWA: Paul Johansen, WV DNR
  • EPA (“Collaborative Federalism” =) Agency support to States: Bill Jenkins, R3 and Rick Durbrow, R4
  • NRCS/Working Lands for Wildlife focal species Partnership: Bridgett Costanzo, NRCS-WLFW NE
  • Tennessee River Basin Network Commitment: Evan Crews, TVA
  • Healthy Watersheds Grant Program & Endowment for Forest Conservation: Jeff Lerner



[new Participant (on the Phone): Cindy Williams, FWS-R4 ]

Session IV.  The Foundation of Commitment and Structure of the Partnership

Session IV Objective: This is envisioned as an honest appraisal of what’s needed for a landscape-level collaborative to deliver in terms of value to make it worthwhile to enter into the partnership; to capture the reason why our conservation community (and individual agencies) should support or advocate for its unique benefits to the partner and partnership; and to clearly articulate up-front what is needed to get solid commitments from members before moving on to building and realizing this newly defined partnership.

      1. Develop a “position paper” of vision, goals over next few years
      2. Synthesis “State of the Appalachians”
      3. Plan for project manager (SOW)
      4. Evaluation of existing tools and their value to the Partner organizations
      5. Lessons Learned – what’s worked elsewhere that we can learn from in redefining our 2nd generation Landscape Conservation Partnership


Resource Materials (on-line only):

  • Funded Research: UMD "Report Card" - Focal Area: TRB Network Reach


Overview: the Appalachian LCC seeks to

  • Promote collaboration and increases funding and research capacity among partners to address the environmental threats that is beyond the ability of any one agency.
  • Reflect the conservation community trusts in the Partnership as a source of information that develops the tools, methods, and data resource managers need to design and deliver landscape-scale conservation.
  • Leverage funding, staff, and resources from all Partners to develop cost-effective science and conservation that benefits human communities and ecosystems.
  • Develop and facilitate planning efforts to implement conservation of large connected areas that will enhance and sustain the ecological, economic, and historical value of the Appalachian region.
  • Support conservation planning to effective conservation that generates clean air and water, sustains the benefits of nature, and enhances outdoor opportunities.

Delivering LCC science to partners.