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Climate Science Document Library 2010

Title Description
Both population size and patch quality affect local extinctions and colonizations Currently, the habitat of many species is fragmented, resulting in small local populations with individuals occasionally dispersing between the remaining habita...
Beyond Reserves and Corridors: Policy Solutions to Facilitate the Movement of Plants and Animals in a Changing Climate As the Earth’s climate changes, many species will have to move across human-dominated landscapes to track suitable climates and changing ecosystems. Given the...
Predicting satellite-derived patterns of large-scale disturbances in forests of the Pacific Northwest Region in response to recent climatic variation Across the Pacific Northwest, the climate between 1950 and 1975 was exceptionally cool and wet compared with more recent conditions (1995–2005). We reasoned ...
Carbon debt and carbon sequestration parity in forest bioenergy production The capacity for forests to aid in climate change mitigation efforts is substantial but will ultimately depend on their management. If forests remain unharveste...
Sediment Trapping by Dams Creates Methane Emission Hot Spots Inland waters transport and transform sub- stantial amounts of carbon and account for ∼18% of global methane emissions. Large reservoirs with higher areal met...
Scenarios of future land use change around United States’ protected areas Land use change around protected areas can diminish their conservation value, making it important to predict future land use changes nearby. Our goal was to ev...
Fire and Fish Dynamics in a Changing Climate: Broad- and Local-Scale Effects of Fire-Induced Water Temperature Changes on Native and Nonnative Fish Communities Fire is a key natural disturbance that affects the distribution and abundance of native fishes in the Rocky Mountain West. In the absence of migratory individua...
Clone history shapes Populus drought responses Just as animal monozygotic twins can experience different environmental conditions by being reared apart, individual genetically identical trees of the genus Po...
The potential transient dynamics of forests in New England under historical and projected future climate change Projections of vegetation distribution that incorporate the transient responses of vegetation to climate change are likely to be more efficacious than those tha...
Impacts of Biodiversity Loss How much diversity is needed to maintain the productivity of ecosystems? VOL 336 SCIENCE
Energetic and biomechanical constraints on animal migration distance Animal migration is one of the great wonders of nature, but the factors that determine how far migrants travel remain poorly understood. We present a new quanti...
Temporal dynamics of a commensal network of cavity-nesting vertebrates: increased diversity during an insect outbreak Network analysis offers insight into the structure and function of ecological communities, but little is known about how empirical networks change over time du...
The beaver meadow complex revisited – the role of beavers in post-glacial floodplain development We evaluate the validity of the beaver-meadow complex hypothesis, used to explain the deposition of extensive fine sediment in broad, low-gradient valleys. Prev...
The Montérégie Connection: linking landscapes, biodiversity, and ecosystem services to improve decision making To maximize specific ecosystem services (ES) such as food production, people alter landscape structure, i.e., the types of ecosystems present, their relative pr...
Nonrandom, diversifying processes are disproportionately strong in the smallest size classes of a tropical forest Here, we use one of the world’s longest-running, plot-based forest dynamics projects to compare nonrandom outcomes across stage classes. We considered a cohor...
Urban land teleconnections and sustainability This paper introduces urban land teleconnections as a conceptual framework that explicitly links land changes to underlying urbanization dynamics. We illustrate...
Asymmetric effects of economic growth and decline on CO2 emissions Letter to Editor: Excerpt: "Why does economic decline not have an effect on CO2 emissions that is symmetrical with the effect of economic growth? There are vari...
Temporal stability in forest productivity increases with tree diversity due to asynchrony in species dynamics Theory predicts a positive relationship between biodiversity and stability in ecosystem properties, while diversity is expected to have a negative impact on sta...
Multi-year drought-induced morbidity preceding tree death in Southeastern US forests Recent forest diebacks combined with threats of future drought focus attention on the extent to which tree death is caused by catastrophic events as opposed to ...
Ten years of vegetation assembly after a North American mega fire Altered fuels and climate change are transforming fire regimes in many of Earth’s biomes. Postfire reassembly of vegetation – paramount to C storage and bio...