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You are here: Home / National Park Service Spotlights / 2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources / A Golden Anniversary in a Diamond Year

A Golden Anniversary in a Diamond Year

Kimberly Robinson, Museum Curator, National Park Service, George Washington Memorial Parkway

This poster will highlight efforts within  the National Park Service to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. Started as a group project for the Park Service’s 2015 class of the Generating Operational Advancement and Leadership Academy,  our project team assembled of professionals from across  the park system is working to develop a resource toolkit to aid regions, individual park units, and park staff in commemorating the act and educating the general  public. The toolkit will consist of a discussion guide, a social media plan (#NHPA50) and a junior ranger program.

Click here to enlarge Poster

A Golden Anniversary in a Diamond Year
Project ID