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Spatial Data

Maps and spatial data relevant to work on Grasslands and Savannas.

Arkansas Priority Area Shapefiles

Arkansas, Northern Bobwhite Priority Area

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Alabama Priority Area Shapefiles

Alabama Priority Area Shapefiles

Conservation priority area for Northern Bobwhite, part of the 2022-2026 Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership

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Minnesota Priority Area Shapefile

Minnesota Priority Area Shapefile

Priority Area for Northern Bobwhite Conservation Partnership 2022-2026

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Indiana Priority Area Shapefiles

Northern Bobwhite Priority Areas

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Illinois Priority Area Shapefiles

Shapefiles for Northern Bobwhite Priority Areas

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National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative - Participating States

National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative - Participating States

This map was developed by NBCI and depicts the 25 participating states in NBCI and its Technical Committee.

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WLFW Northern bobwhite, Grasslands, and Savannas National Map

WLFW Northern bobwhite, Grasslands, and Savannas National Map

Attached pdf of the national boundary for the new framework for conservation action (2022). Shapefiles available under "Boundaries and Priority Areas"

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FY17-21 WLFW-Northern bobwhite Map

FY17-21 WLFW-Northern bobwhite Map

This map was current as of FY21 for NRCS WLFW-Northern bobwhite but updated for FY22 based on the NRCS state offices that opted into the Northern bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas Framework partnership (by FY22 there will be 24 states).

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Map of NRCS States Opting In/Out of WLFW Northern bobwhite

Map of NRCS States Opting In/Out of WLFW Northern bobwhite

In February 2021, NRCS requested that 30 state offices within the northern bobwhite current or historic range submit a final decision to National Headquarters on opting in or out of WLFW Northern bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas. The decisions were completely voluntary and dependent on each states interest and ability to commit. These maps depict the distribution of states and their responses. Note that Oklahoma has now joined (and we need to updated this map)!

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NBCI BRI Map for Northern Bobwhite

NBCI BRI Map for Northern Bobwhite

Developed by the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative partnership, this Biological Ranking Information map denotes prioritized counties across the 25-state area of NBCI activity. Within NRCS, states participating in Working Lands for Wildlife-Northern bobwhite select from the blue priority counties to identify areas within each state where sign-ups for Farm Bill programs will occur.

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