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You are here: Home / Training Resources / Webinars and Instructional Videos / WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series / WLFW Pollinator Conservation Series: Session # 8 Pollinators and Livestock Grazing

WLFW Pollinator Conservation Series: Session # 8 Pollinators and Livestock Grazing

WLFW Pollinator Conservation Series: Session # 8 Pollinators and Livestock Grazing

Session 8 of WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar series, presented by Jason Jones and Katrina Sims, Grassland and Grazing Coordinators in Ohio and Arkansas, respectively. This session focuses on grazing livestock with consideration of pollinators. This is the third of three sessions on “pollinator habitat” in the series. Topics covered include benefits of native grassland restoration, native grazing considerations for conservation planning, pasture conversion and establishment, and grazing strategies.