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You are here: Home / LP Members / Workspaces / Collaborative Wildlife Protection and Recovery Initiative (CWPRI)

Collaborative Wildlife Protection and Recovery Initiative (CWPRI) Workgroups

CWPRI workspaces offer platforms to enhance work flow and facilitate efficient sharing of ideas, datasets, products, publications, and more with others who have similar interests or missions. The workspaces brings together a diverse set of experts to promote dialogue and coordination.

Northern Bobwhite Work Group (CWPRI)

Northern Bobwhite Work Group (CWPRI)

All materials for sharing related to this work group. Group leader is Bridgett Costanzo of USDA/NRCS.

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Bats Work Group (CWPRI)

Bats Work Group (CWPRI)

All materials for sharing related to this work group. Leaders of this group are Eric Britzke and Louise McCallie.

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Freshwater Mussel Work Group (CWPRI)

Freshwater Mussel Work Group (CWPRI)

All materials related to this work group. David Hu leads this group.

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Pinyon Jay Work Group (CWPRI)

Pinyon Jay Work Group (CWPRI)

All materials related to this work group. Rich Fischer leads the group.

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Desert Thrashers Work Group (CWPRI)

Desert Thrashers Work Group (CWPRI)

All materials related to this work group. Chris McCreedy leads this group.

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California Tern Work Group

California Tern Work Group

All materials related to this work group. Stephanie Hertz leads the group.

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Monarch Work Group (CWPRI)

Monarch Work Group (CWPRI)

This is a private workspace for the Collaborative Wildlife Protection and Recovery Initiative – Monarchs Working Group.

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Portlet Group Services

Services available to a group:

  • Group Home Page
  • Group Email
  • Private News
  • Private Calendar
  • Forums
  • Private Folders
  • Public Folders
  • Webpage Editor
  • Collections