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You are here: Home / LP Members / Workspaces / Riparian Restoration Team

DST Restoration under Climate Change Technical Oversight Team

This is a private Work Space for invited experts to participate in management of the DST Restoration under Climate Change project funded by the Appalachian LCC in FY11/12. The vendor, the U.S. Forest Service, will report quarterly with updates, process details, any issues, interim products, and eventually final deliverables. It will be the role of this group to carefully review each submission, discuss status and content with other members, make suggestions for improvements, and assist LCC staff in ensuring that the final product is a high quality one. All folders and content within this Work Space can only be seen by registered members of the group; however, appropriate content will be made public on this website once approved by the Team.


If you need assistance working in the group

Complete Folder Content

To add or view content, click on links in the table below:

Title Description
Deliverables Research products and tools developed from this project.
Background Project and Member Information This folder contains a summary description of the Riparian Restoration project funded by the Appalachian LCC in FY11-12. You will also find other background inf...
Current Quarterly Report for Review Contains the most recent Quarterly Reporting materials from the vendor for review by the Technical Oversight Team.
Past Quarterly Reports & Reviews Contains past quarterly reporting materials from the vendor as well as reviews submitted by Technical Oversight Team members.
Calendar DST Restoration under Climate Change Technical Oversight Team Calendar