Stream Baseflow Index
Average annual stream baseflow index at 1 kilometer resolution throughout the Appalachian LCC region.
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Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps
Study Overview Maps and Foundational Datasets
Forest Biomass
Forest biomass at the 1 kilometer scale throughout the Appalachian LCC region.
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Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps
Study Overview Maps and Foundational Datasets
Mean Annual Precipitation
Mean annual precipitation (mm/year) at a 1 kilometer resolution throughout the Appalachian LCC region.
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Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps
Study Overview Maps and Foundational Datasets
Precipitation Seasonality
Precipitation seasonality using coefficient of variation at 1 kilometer resolution throughout the Appalachian LCC region.
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Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps
Study Overview Maps and Foundational Datasets
Mean Annual Temperature
Mean annual temperature at 1 kilometer resolution throughout the Appalachian LCC region.
Located in
Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps
Study Overview Maps and Foundational Datasets
Sinkhole Density
Density of sinkholes per square kilometer throughout the Appalachian LCC region.
Located in
Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps
Study Overview Maps and Foundational Datasets
Soil Available Water Capacity
High values for soil available water capacity at 1 kilometer resolution throughout the Appalachian LCC region.
Located in
Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps
Study Overview Maps and Foundational Datasets
Soil Permeability
High values for soil permeability at 1 kilometer resolution throughout the Appalachian LCC region.
Located in
Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps
Study Overview Maps and Foundational Datasets
Soil Thickness
High end of range of soil thickness at 1 kilometer resolution throughout the Appalachian LCC region.
Located in
Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps
Study Overview Maps and Foundational Datasets
Soil Organic Matter and Sinkholes
Sinkhole density (number per square kilometer) and soil organic matter (percent by weight) throughout the Appalachian LCC region.
Located in
Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps
Study Overview Maps and Foundational Datasets