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Organization Eastern PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation
The general purpose of the organization [EPCAMR] is to encourage the reclamation and redevelopment of land affected by past mining practices. This includes reducing hazards to health and safety, eliminating soil erosion, improving water quality, [and] returning land affected by past mining practices to productive use, thereby improving the economy of the region.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Troff document Mountain Soil and Water Conservation District
The Mountain Soil & Water Conservation District, a legal subdivision within the state of Virginia, is charged with conserving the soil and water resources of Highland, Bath, and Alleghany Counties, and the City of Covington. The District works closely with partner agencies in order to help farmers, other landowners and land managers, businesses, and local units of government in the wise management and protection of their natural resources.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
File Northern Bobwhite in Working Grasslands
The northern bobwhite is often referred to and "edge" species, seeking habitat where crop fields intersect with woodlands, pastures, and old fields. The desired outcomes of project practices is 1) improved cattle production for grazing operations, 2) restore native grasses to the agricultural landscape, and 3) improve soil health, water quality, and wildlife habitat on farms.
Located in Information / NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials / Conservation Practices
8-part webinar series with farmers, researchers, or other expert practitioners. The classes will discuss common obstacles to implementing a successful no-till program, address these issues through field proven technical knowledge, and follow a training plan that will best enable the TSP (technical service provider) to support the farmers in the no-till practice transition. This course is open to any service provider working with farmers in the Northeast! Upon course completion participants will receive a No-Till Intensive Training Certificate of Completion, as well as be eligible for 8 CCA credits and 1 Pesticide credit.
Located in Training / Training Resources Exchange
Video Living Soil Film
Our soils support 95 percent of all food production, and by 2060, our soils will be asked to give us as much food as we have consumed in the last 500 years. 60-minute documentary featuring innovative farmers and soil health experts from across the nation. The societal and environmental costs of soil loss and degradation in the U.S. are now estimated to be as high as $85 billion every single year. It’s time we changed everything we thought we knew about soil.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Image Soil Available Water Capacity
High values for soil available water capacity at 1 kilometer resolution throughout the Appalachian LCC region.
Located in Research / / Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps / Study Overview Maps and Foundational Datasets
Image Soil Permeability
High values for soil permeability at 1 kilometer resolution throughout the Appalachian LCC region.
Located in Research / / Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps / Study Overview Maps and Foundational Datasets
Image Soil Thickness
High end of range of soil thickness at 1 kilometer resolution throughout the Appalachian LCC region.
Located in Research / / Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps / Study Overview Maps and Foundational Datasets
Image ECMAScript program Soil Organic Matter and Sinkholes
Sinkhole density (number per square kilometer) and soil organic matter (percent by weight) throughout the Appalachian LCC region.
Located in Research / / Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps / Study Overview Maps and Foundational Datasets