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File PDF document Full Proposal - A Stream Classification System for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative
The goal of this project is to develop a hierarchical classification for stream and river systems within the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC). This classification system will identify and consistently map ecologically similar types of rivers and streams using a flexible hierarchical set of geomorphic and hydrologic variables deemed appropriate for classification by the participating states and relevant to the spatial scale of management.
Located in LP Members / / Aquatic Habitat Stream Classification Team / Background Project and Member Information
Organization Troff document South Florida Water Management District
Our mission: To safeguard and restore South Florida's water resources and ecosystems, protect our communities from flooding, and meet the region's water needs while connecting with the public and stakeholders. The South Florida Water Management District is a regional governmental agency that manages the water resources in the southern half of the state, covering 16 counties from Orlando to the Florida Keys and serving a population of 9 million residents. It is the oldest and largest of the state's five water management districts. Created in 1949, the agency is responsible for managing and protecting water resources of South Florida by balancing and improving flood control, water supply, water quality and natural systems.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Troff document Huerfano County Water Conservancy District
Originally formed under the Water Conservancy Act, the District has broad powers and responsibilities - to acquire water rights and land as well as to construct and manage projects to conserve water and provide for its greatest beneficial use
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
OpenET uses best available science to provide easily accessible satellite-based estimates of evapotranspiration (ET) for improved water management across the western United States. Using the Data Explorer, users can explore ET data at the field scale for millions of individual fields or at the original quarter-acre resolution of the satellite data.
Located in Apps, Maps, & Data
File Northern Bobwhite in Working Grasslands
The northern bobwhite is often referred to and "edge" species, seeking habitat where crop fields intersect with woodlands, pastures, and old fields. The desired outcomes of project practices is 1) improved cattle production for grazing operations, 2) restore native grasses to the agricultural landscape, and 3) improve soil health, water quality, and wildlife habitat on farms.
Located in Information / NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials / Conservation Practices
Braven Beaty: The Nature Conservancy - Clinch Valley Program
Braven Beaty discusses his work in the Appalachian region with mussels, the biological importance of the Clinch-Powell River Basin, and how the Appalachian LCC helped to preserve freshwater mussel populations.
Located in Our Community / Voices from the Community
File A Review of Climate-Change Adaptation Strategies for Wildlife Management and Biodiversity Conservation
We reviewed the literature and climate- change adaptation plans that have been developed in United States, Canada, England, Mexico, and South Africa and finding 16 general adaptation strategies that relate directly to the conservation of biological diversity. These strategies can be grouped into four broad categories: land and water protection and management; direct species management; monitoring and planning; and law and policy. Tools for implementing these strategies are similar or identical to those already in use by conservationists worldwide (land and water conservation, ecological restoration, agrienvironment schemes, species translocation, captive propagation, monitoring, natural resource planning, and legislation/regulation). Although the review indicates natural resource managers already have many tools that can be used to address climate-change effects, managers will likely need to apply these tools in novel and innovative ways to meet the unprecedented challenges posed by climate change.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings
8-part webinar series with farmers, researchers, or other expert practitioners. The classes will discuss common obstacles to implementing a successful no-till program, address these issues through field proven technical knowledge, and follow a training plan that will best enable the TSP (technical service provider) to support the farmers in the no-till practice transition. This course is open to any service provider working with farmers in the Northeast! Upon course completion participants will receive a No-Till Intensive Training Certificate of Completion, as well as be eligible for 8 CCA credits and 1 Pesticide credit.
Located in Training / Training Resources Exchange
Maryland Water Monitoring Council Conference
The Maryland Water Monitoring Council (MWMC) will hold its 18th Annual Conference at the Maritime Institute, North Linthicum, Maryland, on Thursday, December 6, 2012. The theme of the one day conference is "What Else is in your Water? From Arsenic to Zinc".
Located in News & Events / Events
Northeast Climate Science Center Fall Colloquium: Translating Climate Science for Resource Managers
What stakeholders need to know about the relationships between water resources and climate change.
Located in News & Events / Events