Global Change Monitoring Portal Released
A new Portal provides scientists and the general public with access to information about the existence and operation of programs that monitor the effects of global change processes, such as climate and land use change, on important air, land, and water resources.
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Global Vulnerability of Forests to Climate Change-Related Tree Mortality is Widely Underestimated
Forests worldwide are vulnerable to growing risks of drought- and heat-induced tree mortality and forest die-off because of a rapidly warming Earth, according to just-published research in the scientific journal Ecosphere. The paper is an invited “ESA Centennial Paper” to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Ecological Society of America.
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Global Warming May Cause Higher Loss of Biodiversity Than Previously Thought
If global warming continues as expected, it is estimated that almost a third of all flora and fauna species worldwide could become extinct. Scientists from the Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (Biodiversität und Klima Forschungszentrum, BiK-F) and the SENCKENBERG Gesellschaft für Naturkunde discovered that the proportion of actual biodiversity loss should quite clearly be revised upwards: by 2080, more than 80 % of genetic diversity within species may disappear in certain groups of organisms, according to researchers in the title story of the journal Nature Climate Change. The study is the first world-wide to quantify the loss of biological diversity on the basis of genetic diversity.
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Gonzalez et al 2010_climate_change.pdf
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Project Documents
GOT TREES? Building Climate-Ready Agriculture.
Agricultural lands are having to meet ever-increasing production and conservation targets. At the same time agriculture’s capacity to deliver these services is being challenged by shifting climate, changing markets, and evolving environmental conditions.
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Highly anticipated down-scaled climate data to be released this winter
Global climate models project that Earth’s temperature will warm by about 2°-4°C (about 3°-7°F) in the coming century. But what does that mean for communities, natural resource managers, and other local interests?
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Hot Topics Summer 2014
A quarterly newsletter developed by Southeast Regional Climate Change program.
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Ibanez et al 2008_climate change_migrant species.pdf
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Project Documents
Implications of the National Climate Assessment
Join the Security and Sustainability Forum for the second session in the National Climate Assessment series and hear from NCA lead authors and sustainability leaders from local government, higher education, and industry, discussing priorities for addressing destabilizing threats posed by a changing climate.
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In Hot Water: Climate Change is Affecting North American Fish
Climate change is already affecting inland fish across North America -- including some fish that are popular with anglers. Scientists are seeing a variety of changes in how inland fish reproduce, grow and where they can live.
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