New Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments Available for Species and Habitats
New climate change vulnerability assessments for 41 species and 3 habitats in the Appalachians are now available on the applcc.org Web Portal.
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New Guide Helps Conservationists Address Uncertain Future
A new publication by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) aims to help natural resource managers plan for a variety of long-term threats to America’s wildlife and habitats.
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New Handouts Summarize Tree Species Responses to Climate Change
NIACS created a series of 2-page handouts that summarize how individual tree species are expected to respond to climate change across the Northeast based on regional climate change vulnerability assessments. Each handout includes model projections based on future climate scenarios and models like the Climate Change Tree Atlas. We think they're a handy way to show a lot of information and get people thinking about managing climate change risk and opportunity. Handouts are available for subregions within each of the three project areas:
New England and Northern New York
Central Appalachians
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New Online Tool Helps Producers Estimate Carbon Stowed in Soil
A new online tool , called COMET-FARM™, enables agricultural producers to calculate how much carbon their conservation actions can remove from the atmosphere.
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New Recommendations Help Improve America’s Resilience to Climate Change
This week, the White House released the recommendations of the President’s State, Local and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience. It also announced new tools and actions to help planners build healthy and resilient communities, including a web-based Climate Resilience Toolkit that provides simple access to federal tools that can help planners incorporate a changing climate into their decisions.
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New Web Tool Provides Climate-Smart Seedlot Selection Recommendations
The U.S. Forest Service, Oregon State University, and the Conservation Biology Institute have launched a free web-based decision-support tool to help natural resource managers match seedlots (seed collections from a known origin) with planting sites based on climatic information.
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New Website launches - ConservationCorridor.org
Landscape corridors are among the most important conservation strategies in the face of global changes such as habitat fragmentation, habitat destruction, and climate change.
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Newest Version of Climate Funding Opportunities
This document provides a snapshot of currently available, climate-related funding opportunities compiled by NOAA and partners in the Great Lakes Region.
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Nexus 2014: Water, Food, Climate and Energy Conference
The Water Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and collaborators will host the Nexus 2014: Water, Food, Climate and Energy Conference to examine the thoughts and actions related to a nexus approach.
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NFWP Climate Adaptation Strategy - Highlights
Highlights to the full report.
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Material for SC Call 6/26/13
National Fish, Wildlife, & Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy