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Land and Water Conservation Fund Secures View from Virginia's Spy Rock, One of the Most Scenic Overlooks along the Appalachian Trail
Today, United States Department of Agriculture Deputy Under Secretary Arthur "Butch" Blazer joined representatives of The Conservation FundThis is an external link or third-party site outside of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) website., and the U.S. Forest Service to celebrate the protection of property within George Washington-Jefferson National Forests along the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. Funding support was provided through the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).
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Managing Forests for Birds Video Series
A new video series by the Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative highlights the importance of proper forest management in improving a diversity of habitat for birds and other wildlife.
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Appalachian LCC Integrating Cultural Resources Research Webinar
Presentation by Dr. Tim Murtha of Penn State University on a collaborative research project sponsored by the National Park Service and the Appalachian LCC, which seeks to integrate cultural resources, such as historic bridges and Civil War Battlefields, into landscape conservation planning and design to emphasize both natural and cultural resources in defining conservation priorities.
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A New Way to Support EBTJV-Shop Select RepYourWater Merchandise to Further our Brook Trout Conservation Efforts
Shop Select RepYourWater Merchandise to Further our Brook Trout Conservation Efforts-The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV) is excited to announce its collaboration with RepYourWater, Beyond the Pond, and the Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership (ACFHP) to further support fish habitat conservation from whitewater to bluewater.
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21st century conservation: A vision of collaboration across landscapes
Just one week after taking office, the Biden administration proposed an ambitious conservation agenda to stem the loss of biodiversity, enhance environmental equity and justice and curb the drivers of climate change. The agenda envisions engaging state, tribal, local and territorial officials, farmers and forest landowners, fishermen and others to conserve 30 percent of our lands and waters by 2030.
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Person Jantz, Patrick
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Person Thomas, Richard Neil
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Person Dettmers, Randy
I work on conservation planning (biological foundation and landscape design) for birds of conservation concern, with a focus on landbirds, as well as designing and implementing monitoring programs to track population status of such species and evaluate the success of conservation actions for these species.
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Person Schuette, Scott
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Person Richter, Stephen
Population genetics; land-use; amphibian evolutionary ecology; conservation; wetland ecology; management
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