Laurent, Ed
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Scott Robinson: Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership
Coordinator Scott Robinson addresses the obstacles of data collection, preparation, and development and how the LCCs can help standardized this process for all partners to use that will help professionals implement conservation actions.
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Voices from the Community
Conservation Planning Process
Dr. Robert Baldwin of Clemson University explains in this video the steps involved in the conservation planning process.
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GIS & Planning
Lee, Danny
Danny is Director of the Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center of the USDA Forest Service's Southern Research Station in Asheville, NC. He lead a diverse team of reearchers working to develop tools and information needed to detect, assess, and predict environmental treats to eastern forests.
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Development of a Spatially Explicit Surface Coal Mining Predictive Model
The goal of this project was to create a spatially explicit 1km2 grid cell model for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (Figure 1) predicting where surface coal mining is likely to occur in in a projected future time period, under two different scenarios. To accomplish this goal we combined GIS spatial analysis, a Random Forests predictive model, and future mining buildout scenarios. This report provides a detailed methodology of our approach and discussion of our results.
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Tools & Resources
Assessing Future Energy Development
Breaking Traditional Barriers to Model Climate Change and Land Use Impacts on Freshwater Mussels
Thomas Kwak, Leader of the U.S. Geological Survey North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and Professor of Biology, North Carolina State University, will give a presentation on global declines in the abundance and diversity of freshwater mussels that have been attributed to a wide array of human activities that cause pollution, water-quality degradation, and habitat destruction.
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USFS Landscape Science Webinar
When the past cannot predict the future: Using process-based landscape models to predict forest dynamics in a changing world.
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Can Landscape-scale Management Influence Insect Outbreak Dynamics
We hypothesized that landscape connectivity of host tree species increases forest susceptibility to insect pest damage. We evaluated this hypothesis for spruce budworm within a 6 million hectare “experimental” landscape at the international border between the Midwestern US and Canada, containing wilderness plus two contrasting harvest patterns (coarse vs. fine).
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Appalachian LCC Science Delivery Workshop
The Appalachian LCC is setting up a science delivery workshop to share recently develop products and train partners in decision support planning tools.
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USGS-NOAA: Climate Change Impacts to U.S. Coasts Threaten Public Health, Safety and Economy
According to a new technical report, the effects of climate change will continue to threaten the health and vitality of U.S. coastal communities' social, economic and natural systems.
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