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File Pascal source code Agenda - March 11, 2015 Workshop
Urban Woodlands Conservation and Management Workshop. Organized and facilitated by the National Park Service to identify and create opportunities for greater collaboration among urban woodland researchers and managers working to restore and manage urban woodland ecosystems. To view the goals and objectives of the workshop, please open the workshop agenda.
Located in Cultural Resources / Urban Conservation / Urban Woodlands Conservation and Restoration
File Troff document Appalachian LCC Data Needs Assessment Final Report
This project was undertaken to evaluate existing datasets for the Appalachian LCC region, package relevant datasets, review of some of the most commonly used conservation planning tools, provide interpretive text and graphics for datasets and tools, and identify data gaps that could improve conservation planning in the Appalachian LCC. Additionally, we reviewed and analyzed State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAP) from 15 states that intersect with the LCC, and corresponded with the SWAP coordinators to get their input on summaries and information on the upcoming 2015 revisions.
Located in Research / Data Needs Assessment
File Best Practices ver. 2012-12-06
From the National LCC HQ: LCC Data Management Best Practices products of the Data Work Team (Sean Finn).
Located in Cooperative / / SC Data Issues Work Group / National LCC Data Management Working Group
BIG DATA as an engine for aquatic information creation
The smartest thing, the only thing really, we can do to conserve & preserve fisheries and aquatic biodiversity as the climate warms this century is to invest our limited resources wisely.
Located in News & Events
Data Needs Assessment Research Project Update
This presentation from Dr. Robert Baldwin of Clemson University provides an update to the Steering Committee on the Appalachian LCC funded research project. The Data Needs Assessment project is evaluating existing spatial data, assembling public data in geodatabase, defining conservation planning tasks that can be accomplished, identifying problems to address if data gaps are filled, interpreting uses of data, and conducting analysis of ongoing planning efforts.
Located in Cooperative / / Past SC Meetings and Materials / Steering Committee Call 3/6/14
Video text/texmacs Habitat Assessment Models and Decision Support Tools for Aquatic Habitats
Fritz Boettner of Downstream Strategies presents on the North Atlantic LCC funded project to develop a decision support tool for an aquatic assessment of the Northeast. The presentation focuses on the development of a modeling methodology, process and outputs that came out of the modeling, and how stakeholders are needed for the project to be a success and develop quality assessment outputs.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars / Theme: Tools and Approaches – Neighboring LCCs
Person chemical/x-pdb Laurent, Ed
Located in Expertise Search
File LCC Networks and Data Management Survey
The survey questions were intended to gather basic information and guide (1) additional, more specific information gathering to understand LCCs collective capacity to manage and deliver high-quality science data; (2) identification and prioritization of data management needs, and (3) short- and long-term priority activities of the Data Management Working Group.
Located in Cooperative / / SC Data Issues Work Group / National LCC Data Management Working Group
File text/texmacs Needs Survey Results
This document details all survey results done to inform the needs assessment.
Located in Cooperative / / SC Data Issues Work Group / NALCC Information Management Needs Assessment
Organization Perceptual Edge
Perceptual Edge, a data visualization consultancy, was founded by Stephen Few in 2003. This website now serves primarily as an archive of Stephen's extensive written work in the field of data visualization. Although Stephen no longer teaches public workshops in data visualization or writes the Visual Business Intelligence Newsletter, he continues on occasion to write blog articles about data visualization.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search