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File Installation File for R Software
Executable installation file for R software.
Located in Technical Resources / / Marxan Training Resources / Marxan Training Software Installation Instructions
File Installation Files for Marxan Software
Installation files and instructions for Marxan software.
Located in Technical Resources / / Marxan Training Resources / Marxan Training Software Installation Instructions
File Installation Files for QGIS
Installation files and instructions for QGIS software.
Located in Technical Resources / / Marxan Training Resources / Marxan Training Software Installation Instructions
File object code Installation Files for Zonae Cogito
Installation files and instructions for Zonae Cogito software used during Marxan training.
Located in Technical Resources / / Marxan Training Resources / Marxan Training Software Installation Instructions
Introducing the USGS National Climate Change Viewer
Jay Alder will be presenting the second revision of the recently released USGS National Climate Change Viewer (NCCV), which is a web application used for visualizing climate change for the Continental US at the state, county and watershed scale.
Located in News & Events / Events
LANDFIRE 2010 Twitter Teach-In
LANDFIRE ecologist Randy Swaty will tweet about LANDFIRE 2010 and provide links to maps, videos, guides, and more.
Located in News & Events / Events
Person chemical/x-pdb Laurent, Ed
Located in Expertise Search
Mapping Climate Change in the Oceans
NOAA Research and NOAA Fisheries collaborate on new method to assess fish vulnerability to climate change
Located in News & Events
File Marxan database
Backup database for Marxan used in the Marxan training.
Located in Technical Resources / / Marxan Training Resources / Marxan Training Data
This is the first national database of conservation easement information, compiling records from land trusts and public agencies throughout the United States.
Located in Resources / / GIS & Planning / Other Conservation & Planning Tools