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File Progress Report for Quarter 2, 2013
Report from Vendor The Nature Conservancy on progress for Energy Forecast Project.
Located in Research / / Quarterly Reports Folder / Q2 2013 Reporting Materials and Reviews
HTML Tile text/texmacs Projects
Located in LP Members / / Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture / Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture Showcase
File Troff document Q3 2012 Reviews By Technical Oversight Team
This file contains the combined technical comments of TOT members for the Energy Forecasts project.
Located in Research / / Q3 2012 Reporting Materials and Reviews / Q3 2012 Reviews by TOT Members
Project Restoring Coal-Mined Lands to Create Habitat for Imperiled Birds
AMJV and the Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative are partnering up to re-establish habitat on previously mined land to create greater breeding grounds for declining bird species in the Appalachian Region. Using ARRI’s Forestry Reclamation Approach, this collaboration is replanting trees on disturbed sites in heavily populated bird areas to restore the function and form of habitats that existed prior to mining.
Located in Projects
File RFA 3 - Forecast future spatial footprint of energy production across the Appalachian LCC region - Word Doc
Without a predictive visualization of energy development, the Appalachian LCC cannot make informed decisions on landscape conservation priorities. This project will provide an overview of principal stressors created by energy development, by sector and cumulatively across the Appalachian LCC. The products to be developed will include forecasting model(s), and Geographic Information System (GIS) products to provide a projection of the energy development footprint across the Appalachians LCC by individual sector and cumulative footprint. Deliverables will inform resource management decisions by providing a foundational reference for predicting potential future development as a spatial footprint that can be overlaid with Appalachian LCC targets and priorities.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings
Video Octet Stream Salamanders - The Hidden Jewels of Appalachia
If you want to hit paydirt the Appalachian region is the world’s salamander El Dorado—home to over 70 salamander species. The Appalachian region of the eastern United States is the world's epicenter for salamander biodiversity.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Secretary Jewell Announces Decision to Protect 75,000 Acres of Eastern Tennessee Mountains From Future Surface Mining
At the request of the State of Tennessee, the Department of the Interior has agreed to designate approximately 75,000 acres of mountain ridgelines as unsuitable for surface coal mining operations.
Located in News & Events
Service Estimates Economic Impact of Critical Habitat Designation for Fluted Kidneyshell and Slabside Pearlymussel
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announces the availability of a draft economic analysis considering the impact of a proposal to designate critical habitat for two freshwater mussels proposed for listing as endangered.
Located in News & Events
File Shale Gas, Wind and Water: Assessing the Potential Cumulative Impacts of Energy Development on Ecosystem Services within the Marcellus Play
A Nature Conservancy study funded by the Robertson Foundation and published by the open-access Public Library of Science (PLoS) in January 2014, assessed potential impacts of future energy development on water resources in the Marcellus play region.
Located in Tools & Resources / Assessing Future Energy Development
File Troff document Summary of Q3 2012 TOT Reviews
This file contains the combined technical comments of TOT members.
Located in Research / / Q3 2012 / Q3 2012 Reviews by TOT Members