Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, incorporated in California in 1905, is one of the largest combined natural gas and electric energy companies in the United States.
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LP Members
Organizations Search
Mariposa County Office of Emergency Services
The Office of Emergency Services responds to emergencies ranging from wildland fires to storm events to hazardous material incidents. We represent Mariposa County, assist first responders in accessing equipment and personnel, gather information and stay informed. At the scene, we are part of the decision-making process and provide guidance.
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LP Members
Organizations Search
Central Appalachia Prosperity Project
The Central Appalachia Prosperity Project is part of the Presidential Climate Action Project to develop policy recommendations on climate and energy security, with a focus on what the next President of the United States could accomplish using his or her executive authority. The Central Appalachian Project draws on the input of America's most innovative experts to produce policy and program recommendations that are sufficiently bold to expedite the region's transition to a clean energy economy. An important component of these recommendations has been better coordination of the efforts being made by all levels of government - federal, regional, state and local.
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Cultural Resources
Socio-economic Projects
Lee, Danny
Danny is Director of the Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center of the USDA Forest Service's Southern Research Station in Asheville, NC. He lead a diverse team of reearchers working to develop tools and information needed to detect, assess, and predict environmental treats to eastern forests.
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Expertise Search
Spotlight on National Park Resources in the National Capital Region
To celebrate the National Park Service Centennial through talks and posters that highlight accomplishments in resources management and stewardship. The 2016 Spotlight featured contributions from every park in the region.
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National Park Service Spotlights
2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
Presentations on National Park Resources
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National Park Service Spotlights
2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
Spotlight Posters on National Park Resources
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National Park Service Spotlights
2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
Assessment of the Environmental Genomics of Aquatic Systems in the National Park Service’s National Capital Region with Emphasis on the Algal Communities Associated with the Nuisance Diatom Didymosphenia geminata
Aaron Aunins - Genetics Biologist, Tim King - Fishery Biologist (Genomics), U.S. Geological Survey, Leetown Science Center
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National Park Service Spotlights
2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
Partnering for Climate Change Communication in the National Capital Region
Jenell M. Walsh -Thomas, Melissa A. Clark, and Lindsey Beall, Graduate Students, George Mason University, Center for Climate Change Communication
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National Park Service Spotlights
2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
Next-Generation DNA Sequencing of Prey Species in Coyote Scat from Prince William Forest Park and Manassas National Battlefield Park
Tyler Biles - Graduate Student, Clair Fremuth, Chelsea Miller - Undergraduate Students, Brian Masters, Harald Beck - Professors Towson University, Department of Biological Sciences
Located in
National Park Service Spotlights
2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources