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Person Washington, Dawn
Located in Expertise Search
Person chemical/x-pdb Laurent, Ed
Located in Expertise Search
File PDF document Full Proposal: Assessing Future Energy Development Across the Appalachian Mountains
Scientists will employ land use change build-out scenaria for future energy development demand to quantify future impacts on forest habitats across the Appalachian LCC. We propose to create maps of wind, oil and gas, and coal development potential for the entire study area and use these maps and published projections from federal and state land management agencies to model future build-out scenaria.
Located in LP Members / / Energy Forcasts Team / Background Project and Member Information
Video C header Northern Bobwhites and Fire: A Perfect Match
Prescribed fire, bobwhite ecology, and local site conditions need to be aligned for optimal bobwhite population response. This course discusses the context of fire frequency, scale, and seasonality for bobwhite management and restoration.
Located in Training / Videos, podcasts, multimedia / Videos
Organization New England Forestry Foundation
Founded in 1944, NEFF pursues innovative programs to advance conservation and forestry throughout New England. In partnership with land owners, NEFF has conserved more than 1.2 million acres of forest, including one out of every three acres of forestland protected in New England since 1999.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization South Carolina Forestry Commission
Protect, promote and enhance South Carolina’s forests for the benefit of all.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Our mission is to protect and enhance Oregon's fish and wildlife and their habitats for use and enjoyment by present and future generations.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter November 15, 2019
New Mexico signs Shared Stewardship agreement, NASF releases biennial statistics report...
Located in News & Announcements / WLFW Newsletters / National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter
Video Webinar: Working with Landowners to Build Resilience Across the Landscape
This session identified strategies to connect with landowners.
Located in News & Events
File Pascal source code Agenda - March 11, 2015 Workshop
Urban Woodlands Conservation and Management Workshop. Organized and facilitated by the National Park Service to identify and create opportunities for greater collaboration among urban woodland researchers and managers working to restore and manage urban woodland ecosystems. To view the goals and objectives of the workshop, please open the workshop agenda.
Located in Cultural Resources / Urban Conservation / Urban Woodlands Conservation and Restoration