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The National Geospatial Management Center (NGMC) has long been respected for the quality of maps it produces to support various Natural Resource Conservation Service projects and programs. In addition to producing maps, NGMC is a major distributor of geospatial data to support National, State and local field needs.
Located in Planning In Practice / Conservation Planning Projects
The National Wetlands Inventory Program has been producing wetland maps and geospatial wetland data for the United States since the mid-1970s. The focus of the program has been to map or prepare digital databases to deliver to the public, as well as project and report on national wetland trends using a probability-based sampling design.
Located in Planning In Practice / Conservation Planning Projects
NE CSC Fish Habitat Data Viewer Planning
The PIs of the NE CSC funded project A Decisions Support Mapper for Conserving Stream Fish Habitats of the NE CSC Region, will be holding a Stakeholder’s webinar: "NE CSC Fish Habitat Data Viewer Planning".
Located in News & Events / Events
Designed to guide strategic wildlife habitat conservation, the Landscape Project is an interactive ecosystem-based mapping tool that assists government agencies, planners, conservation groups, the public and others in making decisions that will protect imperiled and special concern wildlife.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
NJ Landscape Project Training and Information Session
The Landscape Project is an interactive ecosystem-based mapping tool that assists government agencies, planners, conservation groups, the public and others in making decisions that will protect imperiled and special concern wildlife.
Located in News & Events / Events
Organization RealAudio document North Carolina Natural Heritage Program
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program's mission is to provide science and incentives to inform conservation decisions and support conservation of significant natural areas in North Carolina. By gathering and sharing information about rare species and natural communities, the Program ensures public access to information that is needed to weigh the ecological significance of natural areas and to evaluate potential ecological impacts of conservation and development projects. The Program sits within the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
File Shale Gas Development Probability
This map depicts the probability of future gas shale development for the Appalachian LCC geography.
Located in Planning In Practice / Funded Project Maps
Organization C source code Skytec LLC
Skytec is a leader in Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies. Skytec provides competitive data capture, analysis and information delivery services with a commitment to safety, innovation and achieving our clients' objectives.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Person Thomas, Richard Neil
Located in Expertise Search
Datasets on Energy Sources within the United States. Covers Coal, Natural Gas, Oil Wells, Electricity and Nuclear, and Renewable Sources.
Located in Data / Public Data Repositories