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Integrating Natural Resource, Transportation, and Land Use Plans
What steps do you need to develop a comprehensive conservation strategy? How can agencies work together to create and share data for transportation and conservation planning? Find out on the next Eco-Logical Webinar: Integrating Natural Resource, Transportation and Land Use Plans.
Located in News & Events / Events
File Land Use and Energy Development in the Appalachian LCC
A brief discussion of primary land uses in the AppLCC.
Located in Resources / / AppLCC Development and Operations Planning / Conservation Challenges in the Appalachian LCC
File Major Land Uses in WLFW NOBO, Grasslands, and Savannas
Major land use types within the boundaries of the WLFW Northern bobwhite, Grasslands, and Savannas framework.
Located in Information / Maps and Spatial Data
Organization Troff document Mariposa County Resource Conservation District
The mission of the Mariposa County Resource Conservation District is to encourage and facilitate cooperative solutions to local resources conservation issues and problems. We provide technical, financial and educational resources, whatever their source, to meet the needs of the local land-users.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
File National Geographic Framework for Guiding Conservation on a Landscape Scale
In 2009, a new map of ecologically based conservation regions in which to organize capacity and implement strategic habitat conservation was developed using rapid prototyping and expert elicitation by an interagency team of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Geological Survey scientists and conservation professionals. Incorporating Bird Conservation Regions, Freshwater Ecoregions, and U.S. Geological Survey hydrologic unit codes, the new geographic framework provides a spatial template for building conservation capacity and focusing biological planning and conservation design efforts. The Department of Interior’s Landscape Conservation Cooperatives are being organized in these new conservation regions as multi-stakeholder collaborations for improved conservation science and management.
Located in Resources / / ISC Meetings / Oct 4, 2012 Meeting Materials
National Workshop on Large Landscape Conservation
Join conservation practitioners and policy makers from across North America to share ideas on the challenges and opportunities in implementing large landscape conservation, as well as the most effective tools, strategies and science available to inform large landscape initiatives.
Located in News & Events / Events
New Jersey Bog Turtle Conservation Initiative: Working with Landowners and Communities
The Endangered and Nongame Species Program created and is implementing a comprehensive management initiative to provide long term conservation of the important bog turtle populations in New Jersey.
Located in News & Webinars / Bog Turtle News
NRCS, Landowners Improve Habitat for At-risk Species
Through voluntary conservation, American farmers, ranchers and forestland owners are restoring and protecting habitat for seven at-risk wildlife species.
Located in News & Events
File Ohio River Basin FHP Overview and Strategy
This presentation provides a general overview of the ORBFHP. It includes information on the regional partnership's mission, the region in which they are targeting their conservation work, the types of rivers and streams they are focusing on, and the strategies they are using to combat threats to the Basin.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings / ORBFHP
Organization Troff document Paradise Sonoma Conservation District
The Paradise-Sonoma Conservation District covers the eastern part of Humboldt County. There are about 2,313,640 acres in the district consisting of about 582,640 acres of private land and 1,731,000 acres of public land administered by the U.S. Forest Service (270,000 acres) and Bureau of Land Management.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search