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NRCS Grant Jump-starts Relay Intercropping Study
A recent announcement by USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack of grant money being given to Iowa Learning Farms will help illustrate how intercropping could benefit Iowa farmers.
Located in News & Events
USDA Awards 'Farmers Helping Hellbenders' Project $2.7 Million in Funding
The “Farmers Helping Hellbenders” project is among the projects set to receive funding through the RCCP Classic fund, which uses NRCS contracts and easements with producers, landowners and communities in collaboration with project partners.
Located in News & Events
Join pasture specialists, local graziers, and NRCS staff to discuss the Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) on Grazing Lands and the benefits of establishing and grazing native warm season grasses for livestock and ground nesting wildlife. See how NRCS is helping more farmers establish and utilize good grazing techniques on their farms. Featuring Dr. Pat Keyser (Center for Native Grasslands Management), J.B. Daniel (NRCS Virginia), and Keith Tuck (Virginia Grazier).
Located in Learning & Tech Transfer / Webinars & Videos
This working lands webinar will educate landowners and natural resource professionals on working lands conservation programs intended to benefit wildlife species and promote oak forest diversity. In this webinar, we will take the “Long View” by looking back in time to gain historical grounding that will help us look forward and consider how our actions today can ensure we restore and sustain oak forests into the future. This webinar has been approved for continuing education credits. Hosted by the Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society and the NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife program.
Located in Learning & Tech Transfer / Webinars & Videos
File Sagebrush Biome Framework
This framework for 2021-2025 reflects collaborative, multi-state planning efforts to update SGI 2.0, and continues to build from a decade of success conserving the sagebrush biome. This framework also serves as NRCS’ ongoing contribution to the Sagebrush Conservation Strategy administered by Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Sharing common cross-boundary threats, NRCS staff across eleven western states collaborated to create this shared vision for conservation action.
Located in Resources
File NRCS WLFW Outcomes Assessment 2012-2018 (released 2021)
An outcomes assessment report completed under a contract to Dr. JJ Apodaca from NRCS-WLFW. This document is being shared with conservation partners but broad or public sharing is not approved.
Located in Information Materials / Research / WLFW Outcomes: Funded Research
RCPP Funding in 2024: Tips for Applicants
The Rural Climate Partnership is hosting a webinar on RCPP funding on Wednesday, April 24th at 12pm CT. Kari Cohen, the former RCPP lead at USDA, will provide an overview of the funding announcement, provide advice for prospective applicants, and answer any questions. Through the Rural Climate Partnership, Kari is available to provide 1:1 proposal guidance to nonprofit applicants - join to learn more!
Located in News & Events / Events / Upload New Events
As a result of the Delaware Watershed Conservation Fund, agricultural landowners in New Jersey are changing management practices on their land to support the bog turtle, a species listed as threatened in the northern part of its range under the federal Endangered Species Act. The beauty is, farmers aren’t just changing their practices because it’s good for the turtle; they are changing their practices because it’s good for business.
Located in News & Events
The Joint Chiefs' Landscape Restoration Partnership enables NRCS and the Forest Service to collaborate with agricultural producers and forest landowners to invest in conservation and restoration at a big enough scale to make a difference.
Located in Landowner Information / Landowner Resources
While many migratory birds are spending warm sunny days in Central and South America, Vermont biologists are braving the cold to improve conditions for birds when they return from their wintering grounds to breed in Vermont.
Located in News & Events