Appalachian LCC PI and Clemson scientists unveil software that revolutionizes wildlife habitat connectivity modeling
A trio of Clemson University scientists has unveiled a groundbreaking computational software called “GFlow” that makes wildlife habitat connectivity modeling vastly faster, more efficient and superior in quality and scope.
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Appalachian LCC Science Delivery Workshop
The Appalachian LCC is setting up a science delivery workshop to share recently develop products and train partners in decision support planning tools.
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Reviewing Studies of Caves and Subterranean Biodiversity
A status review of studies from the cave and karst classification and mapping research project examined an array of research regarding cave environments, cave/karst biodiversity, and previous techniques for mapping and modeling such ecosystems.
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Reviewing Existing Tools and Data on Hydrologic and Ecologic Flow Models
The Aquatic Ecological Flows project reviewed existing tools and gathered available data within the project area on hydrologic and ecological flow models that would be suitable to use for the region.
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Development of a Spatially Explicit Surface Coal Mining Predictive Model
The goal of this project was to create a spatially explicit 1km2 grid cell model for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (Figure 1) predicting where surface coal mining is likely to occur in in a projected future time period, under two different scenarios. To accomplish this goal we combined GIS spatial analysis, a Random Forests predictive model, and future mining buildout scenarios. This report provides a detailed methodology of our approach and discussion of our results.
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Tools & Resources
Assessing Future Energy Development
Development of a Spatially Explicit Surface Coal Mining Predictive Model
The goal of this project was to create a spatially explicit 1km2 grid cell model for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (Figure 1) predicting where surface coal mining is likely to occur in in a projected future time period, under two different scenarios. To accomplish this goal we combined GIS spatial analysis, a Random Forests predictive model, and future mining buildout scenarios. This report provides a detailed methodology of our approach and discussion of our results.
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Aquatic Ecological Flows Project Update
This presentation from Dr. Todd Walter of Cornell University provides an update to the Steering Committee on the Appalachian LCC funded research project. The Aquatic Ecological Flows project is providing a report assessing availability of hydrologic and ecological flow model(s) suitable for the region, a georeference assessment of available ecological data to inform the ecological flow model(s), the application of the model(s) to anticipate how altered flow regimes will affect critical conditions, and a report that forecasts changes in hydrology and associated predicted biological responses in relation to different water resource development scenarios for critical watersheds.
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Past SC Meetings and Materials
Steering Committee Call 3/6/14
Synthesis of climate model downscaling products for the southeastern United States
Downscaling translates large-scale climate information to the local scale. There are several techniques for handling this process; recently, several downscaled climate products have been produced by government and academic researchers. Ecologists, conservation scientists, and practitioners require such local guidance to evaluate adaptation and conservation strategies. However, the large number of methods involved, different downscaling approaches, resolutions, time periods, and focal variables limits the ability of these users to form meaningful conclusions and evaluate the results of adaptation strategies. To address these issues, this project will summarize the methods used for downscaling, identify the metrics most appropriate for evaluation of climate model skill and usability for the ecological and conservation communities in the southeastern US, and begin a longer-term effort to evaluate the range of downscaled climate products over this geographic region.
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What are Future Climate Projections for Precipitation and Temperature for Your County?
For the first time, maps and summaries of historical and projected temperature and precipitation changes for the 21st century for the continental U.S. are accessible at a county-by-county level on a website developed by the U.S. Geological Survey in collaboration with the College of Earth, Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University.
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The Nature Conservancy Releases Country-Level Temperature and Precipitation Data for Climate Resilience and Adaptation Planning
The Nature Conservancy has released a new country-level dataset for its online Climate Wizard mapping tool that enables users to visualize future climate conditions using the most recent modeled data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
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